Journey Back to The Stage

Mirrin the 100x12. One day...

You need a bro screaming directly at each tricep during the lift. The vibrations from said bro's voice increase tricep affectiveness/activation by 14.6758%. The more handsome/aesthetic the bro, the better. SRS

^ this explains the 1st (after 3 failed) successful attempt at 125KG in Nov @ bro down last year. The first 3 attempts/bro's weren't handsome enough.

I didn't scream at you on Saturday for your 130KG which explains the missed lift.
Friday: Back/Hamstrings

Wide Grip Chins - BW x10x4
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x3
One Arm DB Row - 45kg x10x3
Bent Over Row - 80kg x12, 100kg x10x2
SLDL - 80kg x10x4
Hamstring Curl - 35kg x10, 45kg x10, 55kg x8
Monday: Shoulders/Tris

Seated BB Press - Bar, 50kg x12, 60kg x12, 70kg x10, 75kg x8
Side Laterals - 16kg x15x3
Face Pulls - 60kg x10x4
Front Raises - 18kg x10x3
Overhead DB Extension - 36kg x12, 40kg x10x2
Cable Pushdowns - 30kg x10x2, 40kg x8
Rope Pulldowns - 20kg x15x2
That pressing... very admirable. :cool:

What is the difference between rope push-down and cable push-down (I only ask because I have a rope thing that attaches to a pulley'n'cable stack at work)?
Rope pulldown you twist at the bottom and it works a lot more of the lateral head, while as pushdowns tend to hit the long and medial head more. Rope pulldowns are more a finisher exercise but you get a great pump from them too
Rope pulldown you twist at the bottom and it works a lot more of the lateral head, while as pushdowns tend to hit the long and medial head more. Rope pulldowns are more a finisher exercise but you get a great pump from them too

Mind = blown. :cool:

Thank you, buddy - teach me to use a rope machine like a regular cable thingy... :( :)

This body-building lark is complicated... :D
First leg session in 4 weeks that I've not had any leg issues. So could finally squat properly again. Strength was down as expected but I still got a decent amount done

Tuesday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 50kg x12x3
Squats - 60kg x12, 80kg x10, 100kg x8, 130kg x8x3, 100kg x10
Walking Lunges - 18kg x24x3
Leg Extensions - 250kg x10x4
Thursday: Chest/Biceps

Bench Press - 70kg x12, 90kg x10, 100kg x8x2
Incline DB Press - 34kg x10x3
Incline DB Fly - 20kg x8x3
High Incline Pin Press - 80kg x10x2
Standing Cable Curl - 25kg x15x3
Hammer Curl - 14kg x10x4
This new tribulus (lols) I'm on is awesome. Seems a lot better than the last stuff. Plus, because of the offer on DAA from TPW, I got 2kg of it and have been taking 25g twice a day.

Weight has shot back up to 105kg because I look a lot drier at the moment and have a lot more vascularity across my shoulders and chest. So something's working well
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