warm up
2 rounds
banded sprints 5x 50m
had 2 people holding me back, felt like i was going to throw up afterwards
then the main workout, 5 minute rounds inbetween each round 100m sprint and 10 squat thrusts
1)Keg , ground to overhead AMRAP @ 50kg
2) Atlas squat AMRAP 50kg
3) Atlas Lunge 30kg AMRAP (went lower due to me knees, these throw me off balance)
4) russian KB swing 28kg AMRAP
no idea how many reps of each I completed, all I know is my butt and legs are sore today!
I really need to find something to do in the week, cant get motivated to just do normal gym stuff in the mornings at the moment.
Going to start doing ROMWOOD everyday to try and loosen me up.
Finishes the day off with some ATLAS over Yolk
started at 40-50-60-70-80-80
then failed 3 times at 90kg kept losing grip on the initial part of the lift
had a 5 minute breather 90 went up and over nicely
Then onto 100kg hadn't attempted this before so was my goal
quick blast of the sniffing salts and a mighty roar up it went, Well happy with this!
sadly there's no 110kg stone so i stopped there, next stone up is 120kg be nice to get that one over