journey to strongman

Sundays workout was:

Warmup in deadlift, working upto 80% of 1RM back was feeling abit tight so went up to 140kg and did a few reps instead of going higher

20 x Axel bar deadlifts @ 110kg
10 x sandbag ground to over shoulder @ 60kg
20 x Burpees over Axel
10 x sandbag ground to over shoulder @ 60kg
20 x Axelbar deadlifts @ 110kg
10x sandbag ground to over shoulder @ 60kg

Fitness levels are improving, burpees are a lot easier now

Due to tight back i didn't push it with the deadlifts, decided to try and smash the workout as quick as possible. finished all the rounds first in the group which I was happy about, as I am normally quite slow.
Joined a New gym this morning, get some workouts during the week now.

Nice gym, very new with power rack, benches, lifting platform and plenty of weights!

did incline bench

warm up bar x10
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
60kg x 5

Normal Bench

40kg x 10
60kg x 5
60kg x 8
70kg x 3

Bench felt a bit alien after not doing it for a while!

Incline Chest flys

10x16kg dumbells
8x 20kg dumbells
8x20kg dumbells
12x20kg dumbells

could have gone heavier, But I struggle getting the weights from my knees above my head!

then did some squats, I forgot how much I enjoy squatting

warm up bar
10 x 60kg
5 x 80 kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 120kg

all felt nice and easy, Not a bad session as I woke up tired after not getting much sleep due to it being so hot last night

Used to wear knee supports whilst squatting, but since training strongman I have been squatting with no belt or supports and they felt great my form felt superb, need to video myself to double check depth.
Todays workout

front squats

5 x 5 @ 50kg felt really wierd hard on the wrists
1 x 5 @ 55kg

Shoulder press

5x5 @ 60kg
1x5 @ 65kg (needed a slight push from legs on the last couple)

They felt nice
deadlifts (no supports/ no belt/ no grips)

60kg x 5
110kg x 5
130kg x 1
150kg x 1
160kg x 1

then 110kg x 10

Did loads of bicep curls after
then finished the session off with some leg raises generic ab workouts.

Nice having a couple of friends to go with! was a really enjoyable session
sundays workout:


banded sprints

4x50m with 50 kg sandbag on shoulder

200kg tyre flip

main routine

3 minute constant keg carry @ 60kg

1 min rest

3 minute tyre drag at 90kg over the shoulder straps

1 min rest

3 minute log thrusters

1 min rest

3 minute burpees in kevlar vest


Then did some open gym

practicing the log as I have never done it

62kg log ground to overhead for 5 reps

72kg for 2

82kg fail

then did 100kg keg carry for 100m

then 3 200kg tyre flips with no rest

session felt awesome

wasn't feeling the gym at all, only had around 5 hours sleep

ended up doing aload of clean to press

started with 40kg for speed

then worked up to 65kg managed 4 lifts total

back down to 40kg to make my arms feel like jelly

then some seated shoulder press with 22kg dumbells

I would say above my head/chest is probably my weakest areas so going to try and work on these parts more.

try and include some form of chest/overhead press in every workout

warmup 50kg loads of
more warm up at 90kg

10 x 120kg
5 x 140kg
5 x 150kg
2 x 160kg

10 x 120kg


5x5 @ 55kg

incline chest press with dumbells

10 x 22kg
10 x 26kg
10 x 28kg
tried 30kg but couldn't get them up, would have easily done the movement but just couldn't get into starting position

bent over row

5x5 60kg
well that was a horrible session!

warming up with deadlifts, starting light and going up in weight

deadlift weight @ 100kg

5 minutes
1x deadlift
1x burpee
2x deadlift
2x burpee
3x deadlift
3x burpee
4x deadlift
4x burpee
5x deadlift
5x burpee
6x deadlift
6x burpeee
7x deadlift

1 minute rest

5 mins

in pairs
prowler push
whilst other is pushing you jumping lunge

1 minute rest

5 minutes
kettlebell squats
28kg kettlebell x lots

finished with a 400m run

I had to walk the last 200m my legs were dead
just couldn't be bother today

did some OHP @50kg
5 x 5
then one last set of 8

seated shoulder press 3x10 @ 28kg

then some generic arm stuff on cable machine, was not feeling it today at all. but hey a little is better than none

my legs are still aching like mad from sunday

form/technique session on duck walk

lots of sandbag carrying
lots of 50kg atlas squats

hard to explain what we actually did

basically in pairs
whilst one was squatting
the other is running with 60kg sandbag on shoulder up to the roundabout ~400m away
when the other had done the 10 squats they chase you down and then you run in and do squats

rinse and repeat

that bag got heavy very quickly
13/9/16 session


loads of warm up sets

working upto 170kg

did 5 lifts at that weight , ripped all my calluses off on my left hand, right tender this morning!


4 sets 5 reps @ 105kg

felt awful, think I was still a bit tight from the weekend

chest press

5x5 @ 67.5kg

only just got the last rep up was a real squeeze!

incline shoulder press

3x10 @ 26kg dumbell

Then did a bunch of stretching
fell of the wagon with ROMWOD, making excuses not to do it. but need to get back on with it

5x5 dropped down to 85kg

Full range of motion squats, ass to grass style
felt real good, going to start focusing on movements more and more

close grip bench @50kg

went lighter again to focus on getting 100% of the full motion and trying to build abit of stamina in my lifts

Bent over row/deadlift hybrid weird thingy that i made up in my head on the spot

I really liked doing this, controlled but speedy

2 sets of 5 @ 60kg

5 x 140kg deadlifts from shin height

2 sets of 5 @60kg

5 x 140kg deadlifts from shin height

2 sets of 5 @60kg

could have gone heavier on both exercises but really working being EXPLOSIVE
one thing i struggle on with deadlifts is the explosive power, hopefully this will help abit

finished off with a few shrugs
and some bicep curls
Booked my first novice comp in november

been working on my overhead strength quite a lot in prep for log ground to overhead

events are:

farmers walk
tyre flip

My gym hosted a seminar by britains strongest woman Jenny Todd, was really helpful she managed to sort out my stupid rounding back in deadlift so looking forward to my next deadlift session! hoping to get 200Kg up soon!

also went through log, said my technique was bang on :)

then atlas stones, lots and lots of reps on the 90kg easy peasy, Couldn't get the 100kg up, not because of weight more my grip failing
Was feeling really run down and just no energy of late so took a week out got lots of early nights

back on it this morning


bar only - lots and lots
50kg x 20
70kg x 10
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg 3 x 3

strict press:
3 sets 10 reps @ 45kg making sure bar touches chest everytime

incline dumbell press @ 26kg 3x10

skull crushers curling bar(dont know what it weighs) +20kg - 3x12

bicep curls with curling bar +20kg - 4x12

then did some shoulder mobility work with 5kg plates
missed the comp this weekend, my heads not been in the game.

so went for a session on sunday.

30 minute time cap on this workout. the weights might not seem heavy but it quickly became heavy after the first couple of sets of each

8 reps each arm, 36kg kb arms

4 rounds


20 squat thrusters


8 each arm 36kg KB single arm rows from floor
4 rounds


8 lengths gym run


8 each arm, suitcase deadlifts, 40kg KB
4 rounds


20 squat thrusters


8 each arm 36kg KB single arm cleans to shoulder
4 rounds


8 lengths gym run


time was running out now, so only managed 3 reps each arm single arm KB swings at 36kg

There were no breaks between each exercise, straight into it, obviously stopped a few times to catch my breath.

it was brutal but awesome fun.

been feeling it since though, i ache all over
Bench press:

2 x 5
3 x 8

I hate bench and always get scared of going up on the weight with no one to spot

dumbell incline press
3 x 10 with 30kg dumbells

dumbell pullovers
3 x 10 20kg dumbell

bicep curls with curl bar, 30kg + bar
3 x 10

between each set do some preacher curls with light dumbells going extremely slowly 5 each arm

single armed Kettlebell clean and press

4 each arm @ 32kg
worked on some events for a first timers comp

farmers walk - 90kg each hand 15m
into 215kg yoke 15m
completed 4 times

keg loading
from 10m
50,60,70kg kegs over 4 ft platform

65kg log
had a deadlift session last night

chasing that 1 rm

hit 190kg, happy with that really want to break that 200kg mark
but its nice to see the weights slowly going up

then did 2 x 10 reps at 120kg to bulk it up

followed by some close grip pulldowns

t bar row

and some curls for the girls
keep forgetting to log


loads of warms
2 x 8 @ 160kg
1 x 6 @160kg was trying to get another 8 reps in but couldn't get the 7th up

bent over row
5 x 5 @ 70kg

lat pull downs
3x10 @ (forgot the weight) I guess at 60kg

seated row machine
3x10 @ 70kg

finished off with loads of bicep variations




5x5 @ 50kg

incline dumbell press
4 x 8 @ 30kg dumbells

incline (close grip) dumbell press
3x10 @ 18kg dumbells

finished off with various tricep extensions etc.
had my last session on monday,

nothing major, did my last bit of log session. 60kg for reps, managed 12 reps in 60 seconds taking it steady, hoping for 14 on the day

some very light 40kg squats for a lot of reps to keep me nibble

finished off with some farmers walk @ 88kg comp weight. managed 4 lengths and then my grip gave up on the 5th.

now its resting and making sure im feeling good for saturday. My first novice comp
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