journey to strongman

wow I have slacked updating this!

comp went average, Some of the guys were ex-powerlifters and had huge deadlifts going upto 270kg i finished last in that event which really hindered and meant a decent placing was off the cards. event was really poorly ran and far too many people. was a 3-4 hour wait for the deadlifts to finish whilst outside in the wind and it was real cold!

still got some decent times on other events but placed 13th overall out of 25.

since the comp I decided I wanted to cut down abit and lose some fat.

started noticing a fair difference in my apperance so thought I would weigh myself every 2-3 weeks whilst trying to maintain strength.

2 years ago I was 114kg unfit

102.8kg week 1
100.4kg week 4
98.3kg week 7
97.0kg week 9

really happy with myself.

even PR'd axel continental clean and press at 87.5kg during week 7

bench press hasn't moved up nor down

deadlift still the same 1rm however I don't feel very comfortable in the movement as I haven't been training it. which is now changing.

Now to get back on with the logging. as my numbers are all over the place and I keep losing where I should be.
yesterdays workout

10 @120kg
10 @120kg
9 @120kg
8 @120kg

lat pull downs @ 50kg

10 x wide grip
10 x narrow backwards
1 min rest
10 x wide grip
10 x narrow backwards
1 min rest
10 x wide grip
10 x narrow backwards
1 min rest
10 x wide grip
10 x narrow backwards
1 min rest

seated row machine @ 75kg
3 x 5 slow and squeezing at the top for 1 second.

seated cable row @ 50kg
3 x 10 again nice and slow with a squeeze

then finished off with an arm ruiner on cables, no resting straight into each movement.

20 x bicep curls
20 x tricep rope pull downs
20 x bicep curls
20 x tricep rope pull downs
20 x bicep curls
20 x tricep rope pull downs
20 x bicep curls
20 x tricep rope pull downs
wednesdays workout.

properly logged on my phone for a change so its accurate!

5 x 20kg
5 x 40
5 x 50
5 x 60 kg

Bench, Closer grip than normal and it felt so smooth and controlled.

8 x 40kg
8 x 50kg
8 x 60kg
8 x 60kg
8 x 60kg

Incline dumbell press

10 x 26kg
10 x 26kg
7 x 26kg ( this set felt like 90kg dumbells guessing my body was tired)

Tricep rope pull down (slow controlled full movement)

8 x 22.5kg
8 x 22.5kg
8 x 22.5kg

Pectoral machine flys (really slow movement with a 1 second squeeze)
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
Deadlift session yesterday, had an open day at nuffield. walked in aircon wasn't on starting sweating as soon as i started warming up. half way through deadlifts they put it on arctic mode and I was freezing so I was wearing 3 layers to keep warm.....

not even going to log it. everything felt like 400kg
felt like I was going to prolapse getting 140kg off the floor!
bad day at the office!!

so I just did lots and lots of reps at 110kg keeping the form on point and exploding up.

so gave up and did some OHP :D

10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg

8 x 50kg
8 x 50kg
8 x 50kg
6 x 50kg

push press

5 x 60kg
5 x 60kg

1 x 70kg
1 x 80kg
1 x 80kg
1 x 80 kg

back to strict

10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg

lots of volume seems to be getting my numbers up with hammering out the large rep ranges.

then finished the session off with some prowler push as my legs needed waking up, no idea on the weight just wanted to push a heavy object around as my normal gym doesn't have this

Edit weight: 97.0 kg fully hydrated and fed
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Sunday Squat Day.

5 x 20kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
2 x 70kg
3 x 80kg
3 x 80 kg
3 x 100kg
3 x 100kg
2 x 110kg
2 x 110kg
2 x 110kg

Leg curls

8 x 45kg
8 x 45kg
8 x 45kg
8 x 45kg

leg extension
10 x 55kg
10 x 55kg
10 x 55kg

my legs were tired. really tired.
didn't feel very strong could have done with eating a bit more that day. squats at 110kg were feeling heavy.
did chest/shoulders tuesday,
nothing special though

10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg

strict OHP
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 50kg
8 x 50kg
8 x 50kg

then lots of accessories that I didn't log
finished off by destroying the triceps on the cable machines.
Squats were done on tuesday.

went in the morning with no food in me and feeling drained.

worked upto 120kg
3 sets of 3

then did 2 at 130kg

didn't have much time so just did what I could. struggling at the moment for motivation/energy. lots of rest/me time this weekend and then back on it!!
trying to get back into gymming after flagging and not having motivation.

now all I want to do is lift but I've got a cold and everything feels like 500kg

so did some front squats this morning

building upto 5 x 5 @ 60kg

then got a nice pump on the leg accessory machines
leg curl
leg extension
and leg press
Not updated in a long time, vegetarian moving house new job etc etc

Current weight 95kg and now 6 months vegetarian, I have lost strength but that was expected as I get used to the diet and dropping weight also.

Edit : THE PLAN, get below 90kg (morning weight unfed no hydration) and enter some novice comps at this weight where I think I stand more naturally
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Thursday 14th (had abit of a cold)

warmed up with some snatch and clean drills (started an oly lifting class with a 12 week programme)

squats worked upto a heavy single 145kg

5x5 @ 110kg
3x8 paused squats @ 100kg
Sunday 17th (cold is still kicking my arse)

4 x 8 @ 60kg

4 x 10 @ 40kg

Chest flys
4 x 10 @ 12 kg dumbells
supersetted with 20 rep bicep curls and tricep extensions

followed by skull crushers and lateral raises

home and eat

followed by a 14 mile bike ride.

Warm up with snatch/clean drills

Then in 45 minutes:
Power Snatch 5x5 @ 55kg
Overhead Squat 3x8 @ 40kg
BW lunges 3 x 15 (per leg)
Finished with Broad Jumps


warm up with snatch/clean drills

then in 45 minutes:
Power Clean 5x5 @ 60kg
Tempo Squats 3x8 @ 80kg 5 down 1 up
Push Press 5x5 @ 60kg
Dumbell Press 18kg 3x8
finished with max Plyo push ups

Only managed 3 press ups push press got heavy for the last sets as minimal resting times dumbells were hard aim was 20kg but shoulders were blowing hard after the first set

Prowler Push 150kg+prowler as many 15m lengths a possible
5 lengths round 1
1 min rest
3 lengths round 2

Log press ( 1 min rest between each)
5 @ 57kg
5 @ 67 kg
4 @ 72 kg
3 @ 77kg


40m @ 165kg
40m @ 185kg
40m @ 205kg
warm up with snatch/clean drills

deadlift 5x5 @ 135kg
banded deadlifts at 110kg 1x8

Planned 3 sets of banded plus some accessories then ran out of time, the heat was kicking my arse today everything took a lot longer than expected
Monday 2nd

deadlifts working up to a heavy triple

3 @ 120
3 @ 130
3 @ 140
3 @ 150
3 @ 160
2 @ 170

Bent over row
5x5 @ 60kg

banded pull ups wide grip 3 sets of 4
banded pull ups underhand close grip 3 sets of 4

woefully weak in pull ups so trying some banded work
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