Just been to KFC...

Awwwww, I hail the smooth mover. :cool:

I shall tell that to my wife, she likes stuff like that. I will tell Kaye when she comes back from ...... working .....at, erm ........ KFC.

* Grabs shotgun *

Dear Kaye.........thanks for the KFC, t'was awesome, since I have a KFC fettish, I was all ready to rub the chicken all over my body, but then saw your note, and thought........hmm.......spicy chicken wings...

the end

PS, your box is empy, I can fill it, so.....if so facto......Lets Date!
weescott said:
you know why they cant call KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken ? It's because the chickens they use are of such low quality that you don't know what you will get. 2 headed chickens and all. < Source KFC Manager.

And did you know that the ingredients that they feed the chickens is the cause of man boobs?

I worked in a food distribution place with the contract for most of NI KFC's all the fresh chicken than comes is pretty good and has only been dead for 24 hours max, all the other stuff like zinger burgers etc comes in preboxed and frozen direct from the manufacturer just like those bags chicken dippers you get from tescos but bigger.

Edit: Well done for pulling in a strange place, now ring her up and get it on!!
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I didn't send it. Got to after 11pm and didn't have a suitable catch line to go with it.

Still up for sending it though, Scuzi's come up with a couple that made me laugh, so come on lets have em... :D

Poor girl's never going to give her number out to anyone at work again is she :o
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