Just cause 3

I can't seem to tether the ones with the heavy body armor on, they have them mini guns.

Yeah that was slightly annoying - it's seems as though the tether attaches but they then knock it free a second later or it fails - hardcore little buggers those!

Was the first base I attacked on the main island and came across them ha :o:D
Just discovered a fun thing. Tether someones front bike/car wheel to their back wheel then tighten them. Hilarity ensues

Has to hit the actual wheel though
Im really surprised at how many systems this game is proving hard to run on.
I get pretty good frame rates considering my system as theirs a few on here that there system should blow mine away yet there finding it hard to run.
I have noticed it does like to use up RAM Ive got 16gb installed and ive seen it using just shy off 8gb of RAM.
I must admit though I cant have outlook running in the background as if I get an email in it will take a wee huff to its self
can't play it atm, AMD beta drivers work for JC3 but causes problems in win10, will have to wait until the next beta i suppose.

really ? I must be at least 14+ hours in and not really had any issues at all with my 290 and latest beta/Crimson drivers - Windows 10 Pro

the 290 is heavily overclocked too @ 1140/1430
Given that crossfire isnt implemented and how much people have complained, I was shocked to see a pretty solid 60fps at 1440p all maxed out on a single 295X2 core. What is going on with all these titles that don't support crossfire/sli?
What spec is yours?

:D a QX9650 @3.8ghz, 4gb of ram @ 600mhz and a 660ti :)

The gpu is not too old compared to the rest of the rig mind you but yeah :) I manage to get by with the system atm:) had to do some major fiddling to get it smooth though.

Given that crossfire isnt implemented and how much people have complained, I was shocked to see a pretty solid 60fps at 1440p all maxed out on a single 295X2 core. What is going on with all these titles that don't support crossfire/sli?

Lazy devs and a new engine they just decided not to do the extra work for. Untill Nvidia/amd make implementing sli/crossfire simple for devs they will continue to throw it in as a after thought. Still the reason a single high end card is sadly better than two. Just causes to many issues sadly :/
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Yup, don't think I will be going crossfire next time :(

It really is sad to say the least as someone who has had several sli systems previously there is nothing worse than seeing £500 of gpu being a fancy fan because someone could not be bothered making it work on a game, that said dual gpu markets whilst still tiny seem to be rising so hopefully the future may be brighter for us :D
What is going on with all these titles that don't support crossfire/sli?

Ploy by both parties to force gamers into buying the most expensive, latest and fastest single card, rather than letting us get two slower, older and cheaper cards that will #!@% all over their flagship card. There's definitely a change in trend.
Ploy by both parties to force gamers into buying the most expensive, latest and fastest single card, rather than letting us get two slower, older and cheaper cards that will #!@% all over their flagship card. There's definitely a change in trend.

Please tell me a current reasonably cheap dual sli setup that will out perform a 980ti

Lol unless you sli 980's your point is invalid and even if you did buy them it would still be invalid due to cost.
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