Just gave blood again, do you?

I used to donate regularly a few years back think the limit was 4 times a year? not sure if it's changed but seeing this has kind of reminded me about doing it again so, just booked myself in for friday lol, not sure how many times i've donated thus far but i have a Blue card, so think more than 10 times?
If not, why not?


because the first time I gave it i was fine, the second time I felt a little woozy and had to stay in bed for an extra 10 mins and the 3rd time I passed out completely while having my biscuit.

They told me not to bother going back as it was getting worse.

I am however intending to go back once I am fit again and I am also a registered organ donor (apart from my eyes) and would also donate bone marrow.
for the people saying "it's my blood and i'm keeping it" [to paraphrase] - you do realise that that blood could save people's lives? children who are hit by cars etc etc.

i've donated a few times but the people only come round to my town very occasionally. O- so they like me :)
well i havent needed any in 30 years so the odds are i never will, so you can have peace of mind that any donations you are generous enough to make wont be going to me.

i have no problem of donating blood if they come to me or they pay my travel expenses.

you're joking right? :confused:
Blood transfusion so not allowed to.

Asked about it as it would be like me repaying a debt.

I've had 6 blood transfusions so it feels a little unfair. I'm still alive though so a good unfair. :p
If I could choose who gets the blood, I would. The thought of me saving a murderer or peado's life just puts me off.
Nope, don't fancy it really, plus it's a mare when they take blood, getting a pint out is going to hurt so just no

1 small ***** on your finger to test for iron
1 small "scratch" when they put the needle in
clench and unclench fist for 5 minutes
needle removed
have a biccy and some squash
go home knowing you could save a life.

Its not like the take a scalpel to you and just let you drip blood.
Never needed to clench my fist, only takes me on average 3 mins to get rid of a pint.
Dont bother with staying after, straight home, always found it very easy the whole thing never effects me in anyway.
If I could choose who gets the blood, I would. The thought of me saving a murderer or peado's life just puts me off.

Really? I feel it's unethical to dictate who it goes to. As long as it saves a life, I don't feel it's for me to judge if their worth my blood.
Blood transfusion so not allowed to.

Asked about it as it would be like me repaying a debt.

I've had 6 blood transfusions so it feels a little unfair. I'm still alive though so a good unfair. :p

As I said earlier, this rule has now been relaxed - when did you last check?

As I said earlier, this rule has now been relaxed - when did you last check?


checked before i posted this morning:

"You should not give blood if:
You have received blood or think you may have received blood during the course of any medical treatment or procedure anywhere in the world since 1st January 1980. " :confused:

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