Just gave blood again, do you?

not long until my next donation :) 11th November or thereabouts,

normally try and make it a Saturday and donate in the morning, go to the football in the afternoon.

if anyone in the Glasgow area is a bit wary about going their first time your welcome to tag along with me as above. (Nelson Mandela Sq in Glasgow is my centre of choice) i'll hold your hand and post up on ocuk about how manly and brave you were :)
You guys have to book?

We just go whenever we feel like. No bookings and stuff. They also give you drinks (water or orange juice) and if you are hungry, they give you food (sandwiches, crackers, biscuits etc.). Its a really welcoming place. All the nurses are nice.

When i last went (as I said before) I took 3 of my friends with me. All of them had never donated. They all came out saying that we should go next time together. #Winning ;)
Doing a platelet donation as I type this (one handed). Browsing OcUK while drinking tea and eating toast.

Edit: I was asked to come in a week early this time, also doing my first triple donation today.
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Already given blood once. Got a call the other day about donating again but I can't until April next year because I flew out of the UK for a holiday :(.
I think its a urine take what happens with blood donations and costs.

I know blood is important but u kind of assume you donate the blood and everyone is a happy bunny.


The nhs have to pay staggering amounts for it......so you donate it.....and yes u guessed it........its your tax money that is paying stupid amounts for this blood.....

I know thats an old link but its still going on today.....just so u are aware.
I think its a urine take what happens with blood donations and costs.....just so u are aware.

I think you misunderstand how NHSBT operates. It is not a private firm sucking up tax payers money but a public Special Health Authority that runs blood and transplant services with a remit to provide best value for NHS hospitals. They charge hospitals per unit rather than every hospital having to run those services locally from within their individual budget.

It costs a hell of a lot to run all those services but it is much more effecient than mulitple independant units in every part of the country.
Exactly - this is Birtian Economics at its most stupid. Government agency #1 (the NHSBT) collects the blood, which costs money for things like staff wages and equipment. To meet these costs it bills government agency #2 (the NHS) for the blood collected. Both groups now need a load of accountans, managers, etc, to deal with this silliness. In the meantime, the money is transferred from one government department to another. At some point the government will probably decide that either a) the NHSBT is profitable and can be sold, or b) it's making a loss so it needs to be closed and the work given to private companies.
Going back a while, a friend of mine (Salvation Army do-gooder) went for his first bleeding.

Delivered back an hour later he was as white as a sheet and collapsed in his chair.

Needless to say I never proffered my veins after that but salute those that do.
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