Just gave blood again, do you?

Any one else suffer faintness since they changed from lying down to sitting pretty much upright. Last two out of three times I donated, Never had it before.

They also need bto scrap the appointments and bring back walk ins
gave blood a few years ago and had a severe faint as they call it.
so was not allowed to give blood anymore. :(

probably was just my nerves being the first time and all, really should get down to a local session at some point.
Almost every single time I've wanted to give blood, there has been a reason I can't. One major reason was a full sleeve tattoo, others are work, illness ect

One of the only times I've meant to do it, I genuinely forgot, I think I was working three weeks straight at the time though.

The last time I was on antibiotics which was only a few weeks ago.

I just signed up to the Wales Blood Service as there are a few 'sessions' in september/october.

I was reading this thinking this sounds very like my situation... urgh.

I finally managed to give blood earlier for the first time, did it on my break during work. Took 4min 49seconds apparently, which I'm told is relatively quick for a first time. Felt fine afterwards and went back to work.

Will set a reminder now on my phone for 12 weeks from now with a few weeks warning to book another or as with this one, just walk in.

Wasnt very many people down there earlier though, thought there would be a much bigger turn out!
I'm due in again on Monday to do a platelet donation. I go every 4-5 weeks to donate, I've only had it not work right once when I got a haematoma. Not the most pleasant experience and my arm was sore after. But considering how many donations I've done it's not bad going really.
How do those of you who struggle to be in a consistent place donate? When I worked at Swindon hospital is was great, the donation service turned up and setup camp in the training suites and you popped down whenever you were free. But now I'm out IT Consulting I'm in various places with little notice and often not home until gone 7.

Are there places that open later, or on weekends? I've got my dads Silver Heart (25 years?) to beat.
I have a more regular schedule now, and the mobile team visit the same places every 4 months up here, so I tend to give 3 times a year at those sessions. In the past I would just check for convenient sessions online once I was getting close to my next window to donate, every 3-4 months.

Silver award is 25 donations, I got mine last year, keep it going everybody :).
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It's been a while since I've bumped this. Mid platelet donation at the moment and I'll be in again on 9th November for my next session.

If you're in Scotland and you do whole blood donation and have been meaning to go, now is a good time. Current stocks are a bit low. O+, O-, A+, A- & B- are all below the 6 days of stock they aim to have.
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