Just gave blood again, do you?

I used to donate regularly as they come out to my work twice a year but I got a tattoo and then went on holiday to Kenya so had to stop for quite a while and so they stopped sending me reminders. Now when I try and go at work they are always fully booked so haven't had a change to restart.
The Trimas are pretty good, with a short cycle. The only issue I find is the tendency for access pressure to drop off during a run and the thing to start setting off the alarm. I'm back in again tomorrow afternoon.
Yeah I noticed that too, it alarmed a few times for me. Each time the pressure seemed to drop off just at the very end of the draw about 5-10 seconds before it started the return. I was told to clench my fist a little bit during the draw to try and counter it, which did seem to help but was a little more awkward as the draw/return phases aren't as obvious as they were with the old machine.

On the plus side it was much quicker than before and I didn't have the random sneezing fits I used to have (always had at least 2 of these per session).
Yeah I noticed that too, it alarmed a few times for me. Each time the pressure seemed to drop off just at the very end of the draw about 5-10 seconds before it started the return. I was told to clench my fist a little bit during the draw to try and counter it, which did seem to help but was a little more awkward as the draw/return phases aren't as obvious as they were with the old machine.

The clinics used to give you something to squeeze (ooh-er missus) but they don't any more - something about not being able to disinfect them between patients. I usually remember to bring in stress ball or similar. But yes, squeezing hard helps. As does a heat pad under the arm, and getting them to put the cuff pressure up a bit (the cuff usually goes down a bit during the run).

My donation today had to be abandoned as the needle wasn't in properly. The access pressure dropped right off during the initial draw, then the entry area on my arm started to swell up too much during the return. I was connected for less then ten minutes. But if the rules are the same, it still counts as two points. That brings me to 583.
Been trying to for a couple of weeks, but there website insist I'm a bot and blocks me.
Emailed help line and they've passed it on to IT. so hopefully get fixed soon, and no I'm not booking by phone.
I work in a research building and give blood to fellow scientists every 2-4 weeks but only about 100-200 mls at a time.

I tried to donate blood to the NHS a day before my 17th birthday and they wouldn't let me. I then tried a week later having got a lift 15 miles but they refused me on the grounds I've had dizzy spells when standing up occasionally. So I ended up giving up on trying and now eight years later I still haven't tried again.
I have been giving blood but they have decided to cancel my local one even though it is always 100% full and move to central town with paid parking. Good idea make it harder for everyone to give blood when you send me so many messages saying its needed.
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Want to go but almost passed out the last two times. The nurse was quite concerned, I'd turned white. Perhaps it is something wrong with my blood count, or I'm just a big pussy cat, I do hate needles.

I keep getting recall letters though, does everyone? I'm BNeg which they keep reminding me is always low and rare. :(
In again for platelets today.Last donation of the year I imagine. Second time on the new machines, no alarms so far. Getting more used to noticing the difference in clicks for the return and the draw. Did a double donation last time due to the new machine but back on a triple today.

Well done those of you who can and are donating. You're making a difference.
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