"Just stop oil"

What's the difference, besides the accents?

One is protesting actual events that take place or will take place. The other is people deliberately obstructing the very people they're trying to garner support from and alienating them in the process.

And yes, I do think that the latest round of "protesting" in France is ridiculous and I wholeheartedly exclude it from my comparison.
How is it any different to your day being held up because you're in a car ? You either advocate violence or you don't you don't get to cherry pick from your arse what inconveniences allow for violence and what don't

It's not even remotely relevant, shopping is something every single person on the face of the planet has to do, sitting in a road inconveniencing others is something not a single person on the face of the planet has to do.
It's entirely relevent, you're advocating violence for somebody being inconvenienced on the road, you can't just draw an arbitrary line and say one inconveniece is acceptable for violence and another is not, just because it suits you, everybody has different levels of tolerance for inconveniece for different things, so if you can attack people for holding you up on the road, you can attack people for holding you up anywhere else, even if we keep things solely to the road, you're basically advocating road rage

You're clutching. And failing.
They have a right to protest, the police have the right to move them on if they're blocking the road, you don't have a right to not be inconvenienced, or get violent with those inconveniencing you literally anywhere, in a shop or on the road

It's got nothing to do with rights, I couldn't give a monkey's about their rights. It's about being a decent human being and not preventing people from living their lives. Just every day normal people, the ones who have absolutely zero power to change anything. Even if they did, I can say with absolute certainty that nobody's getting home after being stuck for a few hours and thinking "you know what? I'm going to cancel that drilling contract". Nobody. Not one person.

Yet these vermin seem to struggle with that concept, their goals might be good, but the way they're attempting to achieve them is completely counterproductive towards their goal.
You're ranting now, we're discussing your advocation for assaulting these people, not about what they're protesting about

I'm not ranting at all, I'm just amazed at the way your brain works. And yes, I do believe that sometimes in life, respect needs to be taught the good old fashioned way. We've cultivated a society where people must be mollycoddled their entire life and look where that's got us. Teachers who get fired for breaking up fights, people lying in streets because they get away with it, that's just the two examples I can think of right now. Sometimes fear is an excellent instrument, however in our society there is none.

It's coming, mark my words. Sooner or later they're going to get in the way of the wrong person on the wrong day and they're going to regret it. It's a shame that that's what it's going to take for our limpwristed pathetic government to do anything about it, but it is what it is. I can only hope that when it does happen, it's minimal.

Peoples' patience is running out, and deservedly so. As the Dutch very eloquently say:

"Those who won't listen, will feel"
Well something has to change because this country has gone utterly down the pan lately. Being soft on people appears to have had completely the wrong effect.

We've built a society without consequences, so people just do whatever they want. From all the way at the top (lockdown parties, dodgy PPE deals etc) all the way to the bottom where crime is on the rise, there are no consequences. A society without consequences isn't sustainable.
You'd probably find that a lot of the protestors like this saying, they feel people haven't listened, their patience has run out, so now they're trying to make people pay attention through 'feeling' the effects of their protests.

Good point. Doesn't justify them obstructing the average Joe going about his business though. Take it to those who can implement change.
Irony considering you literally think it's acceptable to assault those jerks, because you think your cause is just

Where do you draw the line on allowing people to assault others ? All protestors ? just those that block roads ? Can we assault people going on strike because it causes us inconvenience and a strike is a protest ? Vigilante Justice now fine ? Who are YOU to have the authority on where violence is acceptable ? Are you R Pickering ?

Whenever someone deliberately obstructs others for no tangible reason.
No, all of them.
No, again not even remotely relevant.
Needs must.
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