"Just stop oil"

Of course I couldn't write this without pointing out that simply stop eating meat would drop global immersions 10-12 fold more than doing all of the above plan............seems much easier to have a plant burger than upheave global transport systems, but as I said, most people don't like to entertain scientific fact, but that's a convo for another day ;)
Got a nope on that part from me, absolutely no way I'm giving up meat. I simply like it far too much.
This is missing the point, we've all been on a plane and none of us are saints. It has nothing to do with the required action from governments. Do people want to live in collapsing civilisation or something?

Governments and corporations are the problem not individuals. Tackling them is the solution.
None of which will be achieved by blocking Joe Bloggs on the way to his dads funeral, or trying to ruin a painting.
Got a nope on that part from me, absolutely no way I'm giving up meat. I simply like it far too much.

I already replied to this previously the realities of meat eating on the env.

I like getting around in Diesel Vehicles, I simply like it a lot and further than that, its essential to my survival in a monetary society (eating meat isn't essential to live, if it was, id have been dead years ago) - but I'm not kidding myself it doesn't damage the env.
I already replied to this previously the realities of meat eating on the env.

I like getting around in Diesel Vehicles, I simply like it a lot and further than that, its essential to my survival in a monetary society (eating meat isn't essential to live, if it was, id have been dead years ago) - but I'm not kidding myself it doesn't damage the env.
Quite true, eating meat isnt essential to my living, it is however essential to my enjoyment of my living. I just adore a good slap up roast or steak too much or a really good burger (though those are harder to find in recent years). Its a taste I would just miss too much.

For a car, well yes unlike some unfortunate folk, I could get around without a car but again, its not something I want to give up.

Actually come to think of it, the crux of it is that I dont want to give anything up. :)
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No, but I’ll be lobbying my MP to increase grants for better insulation and boilers and suggesting they are paid for by greater taxes on fossil fuel companies and energy providers who aren’t investing in renewables.
What are you doing to help mitigate the climate emergency our government accept we have?
I also don’t have any children, and have a predominately vegan diet so if you want to play top trumps I’m sure I’ll do ok.
I've been driving an EV since before it was cool (8 years now), which has been mostly powered using solar energy from panels that were installed on my last house in 2012.
This summer I fitted solar panels on my new house.
Over the last few months I've fully insulated one half of my roof space. Last weekend I was up there fitting insulation to the other side of the attic.
I'm currently heating my house using wood from my own garden from trees that fell during storm Eunice.

I'm not claiming to be doing anything more than anyone else to reduce carbon emissions. But I'm not the one putting myself on a pedestal.
I've been driving an EV since before it was cool (8 years now), which has been mostly powered using solar energy from panels that were installed on my last house in 2012.
This summer I fitted solar panels on my new house.
Over the last few months I've fully insulated one half of my roof space. Last weekend I was up there fitting insulation to the other side of the attic.
I'm currently heating my house using wood from my own garden from trees that fell during storm Eunice.

I'm not claiming to be doing anything more than anyone else to reduce carbon emissions. But I'm not the one putting myself on a pedestal.
Then what was your weird question about asking if I was putting my heating on?
I can show support to those campaigning without having to actually campaign.
I donate to the RNLI, I don’t spend my weekends out with a rubber ring trying to save people or equally by not going into the water.

This weird little idea that you can’t show support for a message unless you’re also dangling off a gantry is bizarre. It’s equally wrong for people
To call others hypocrites for trying to change things despite having done bad things before. When I was at school, I was involved in bullying. I regret it now, it was awful. Does that mean I can’t be involved in anti bullying now? Of course not. Who cares if a stop oil protestor flew to Antarctica, drop kicked a penguin and lit a fire prior to being involved in just stop oil. They aren’t doing it now and have hopefully realised the errors of their ways and trying to make amends. Nothing hypocritical about that imo.
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They aren’t doing it now and have hopefully realised the errors of their ways and trying to make amends. Nothing hypocritical about that imo.
I guess the assumption is that the hypocrite in question wont actually stop doing it and will continue to do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. I assume that people are thinking that this woman will most likely be on another long haul flight next year or the year after and will therefore not have stopped
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I guess the assumption is that the hypocrite wont actually stop doing it and will continue to do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. I assume that people are thinking that this woman will most likely be on another long haul flight next year or the year after and will therefore not have stopped
Maybe. But even so, I’m not sure that makes them hypocrites. They aren’t protesting against air travel. They aren’t even protesting about oil (no matter how many times people try and claim they are). They are just protesting against new oil. I think you can fly and still do that, though you should probably offset and should probably limit air travel. Maybe a stretch but meh.
The flight industry is already making great moves away from reliance on oil be I’m sure we will see viable electric (powered renewably hopefully!) passenger planes in the not too distant future.
Maybe. But even so, I’m not sure that makes them hypocrites. They aren’t protesting against air travel. They aren’t even protesting about oil (no matter how many times people try and claim they are). They are just protesting against new oil. I think you can fly and still do that, though you should probably offset and should probably limit air travel. Maybe a stretch but meh.
The flight industry is already making great moves away from reliance on oil be I’m sure we will see viable electric (powered renewably hopefully!) passenger planes in the not too distant future.
Its definitely a fine line with hypocrisy though. Otherwise they really arent doing much more than anyone else to help. Mind you I was brought up to practice what I preach
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Then what was your weird question about asking if I was putting my heating on?
I can show support to those campaigning without having to actually campaign.
I donate to the RNLI, I don’t spend my weekends out with a rubber ring trying to save people or equally by not going into the water.
Because drilling for oil and gas is directly linked to heating our homes in winter and flying to exotic locations.

Campaigning for the Government to enforce something that you don't do yourself sounds more like virtue signalling.
Because drilling for oil and gas is directly linked to heating our homes in winter and flying to exotic locations.

Campaigning for the Government to enforce something that you don't do yourself sounds more like virtue signalling.

Absolutely, that's exactly what it is.

The campaign makes no sense, why stop domestic production? Surely we need to reduce our reliance on imports first... invest in nuclear, reduce carbon emissions etc..

They've somehow linked this campaign with the planet dying and millions of lives being lost but **** knows what that has to do with granting new oil licenses, so far no one seems to have any explanation.
The flight industry is already making great moves away from reliance on oil be I’m sure we will see viable electric (powered renewably hopefully!) passenger planes in the not too distant future.
the airlines have a few more months of hedged kerosene ... haven't heard what kind of ticket premium they'll apply next year, if, they have sufficient staff to keep the uk airports open.
Maybe Mr Biden can fly in some refuelling tankers to UK airports.

but **** knows what that has to do with granting new oil licenses, so far no one seems to have any explanation.
even if the JSO disciples can't explain it, google has the answer, twitter quality is declining ?
carbon cost of establishing new wells ?, similar to the discussion on the UK coal mine for coking/UK special steels.
the airlines have a few more months of hedged kerosene ... haven't heard what kind of ticket premium they'll apply next year, if, they have sufficient staff to keep the uk airports open.
Maybe Mr Biden can fly in some refuelling tankers to UK airports.

but **** knows what that has to do with granting new oil licenses, so far no one seems to have any explanation.
even if the JSO disciples can't explain it, google has the answer, twitter quality is declining ?
carbon cost of establishing new wells ?, similar to the discussion on the UK coal mine for coking/UK special steels.
No way I'm flying in an electric plane
An electric passenger plane? A pipe dream, won’t happen, not with anything that even remotely resembles our current technology.
would they store the batteries in the wings like fuel is now, can you imagine one of the cells catches fire lol...

all the electrics are fried, the wings are on fire... probably doesn't end well
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would they store the batteries in the wings like fuel is now, can you imagine one of the cells catches fire lol...

all the electrics are fried, the wings are on fire... probably doesn't end well
Err have you considered a wing full of fuel... Nevermind.
yea but that fuels not just going to catch fire on it's own like a battery and I'd imagine they have the self-sealing stuff in the wings in the event the skin got punctured
So for some reason you think it's perfectly normal for fuel to be in a tin can at 30k feet but can't wrap your head around a battery?
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