AKA, your website is great. Would you ever add a match betting section to your site? I would be interested in getting into it.
£430 from a casino, 6 hours blackjack Bonus bagging of course. Leads me to this question, what's the most you have won through bonus bagging or otherwise through an online casino and what did you buy from your winnings? I know there are a few on here that are into bonus bagging (oc got introduced me). I just bought tickets to Paris.
If all games are allowed and contribute the same amount towards wagering, I'd choose blackjack or a blackjack variation. I often find blackjack variations, like BJ switch, more interesting than the traditional game.I have been to your site quite a lot in the past before meeting you here, which i have found very helpful.
I was asking more along the lines of what do you personally prefer at the casino's for bagging the bonuses? Blackjack or another game?
I do match betting also for the bonuses which i do enjoy.
I am also still looking for other ways to make money on the net but have not yet found anything that suits me.
Matched betting would definitely be a useful addition. I am planning to add related content later this year some time, after completing a lot of other things first.AKA, your website is great. Would you ever add a match betting section to your site? I would be interested in getting into it.
That is what i still want to know based on this 7 spin system. What is the most amount of times in a row it will lose for, so far on my tests (I know so far it's only 15 plays) it's 8 spins before the win comes in.
learn to play online poker guys, if you are an intelligent person and put the work in then you can reap some big rewards.
I'm a full time student and average about £60/hr over the last 6 months.
Sorry me topping this again! Firstly, thanks for the last response Mattus. Now I'm looking at http://www.beatingbonuses.com/monthly.htm and in particular, 888.com. It has 10% in the bonus % column. Can someone explain this to me? The way I read it is, if to get the bonus I need to bet £2k, and the bonus % is 10%, I need to infact bet £20k to get the full bonus? Is this correct? If so, betting £10k for £50 isn't very good?!
Managed to stake £1200 or so before I went busto, is it worth redepositing to get to the £2500 wagered mark for £100?