Kai - Competition

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Congratulations mate! Seems to all be going pretty well at the moment :)

Cheers mate, it all seems to be coming together nicely.

Today's workout.

Lat Pulldown 3 x 10 (drop set 3rd set) 65kg
T Bar OB Row 3 x 10 (4 drops 3rd set 20kg each 10 reps) (100kg)
Close Grip Pull down 3 x 8 (56kg)
Single Arm DB' Rows 3 x 8 (40kg)

Dead lift 5 x 4 (100,120,140,160,160)

Collapse!!! :mad:
So it's not all Glitz & Glamour :(

I have just been informed for the next 4 WEEKS!!!!! I need to be performing fasted cardio for 1 hour every other day to get ready for this shoot and in preparation to look in top shape for Bodypower.

20 minutes x HiiT - Sprints into
40 minutes x LiSS - Stationery Bike into
20 minutes x HiTT - Sprints

I am not happy, I don't do cardio! I have managed to get along so far without it. So it looks like 5 am starts for me for the next month...

Why? Do you HAVE to do cardio? Are they not happy with your progress or is this some medical drivel?
Why? Do you HAVE to do cardio? Are they not happy with your progress or is this some medical drivel?

It's to burn off as much stubborn fat as possible and getting me looking as lean as possible. I have been assured I wont burn muscle as the diet is on point and it's only for 4 weeks every other day.

Plus I trust my coach, he has not done me wrong so far!

It's just I HATE CARDIO with a passion and doing it that early in the morning is going to be soul destroying.
Are you alternating HIIT with LISS on a every other day basis? or have I misread the above as 40 minutes HIIT split around 40 minutes LISS per day.

I've never found fasted steady state cardio difficult, HIIT on the otherhand is brutal fasted, especially if your carb macro is low.
Are you alternating HIIT with LISS on a every other day basis? or have I misread the above as 40 minutes HIIT split around 40 minutes LISS per day.

I've never found fasted steady state cardio difficult, HIIT on the otherhand is brutal fasted, especially if your carb macro is low.

No, you read that correctly. It's a 80 minute cardio session every other day. I initially thought it was 1hr but this is worse :(

20 min's HIIT straight into 40 min's LISS straight into 20 min's HIIT.

I did the following this morning, and felt sick especially the fact today is a zero carb day and I am only getting my carbs from broccoli :eek:
The 2nd lot of HIIT just seems like overkill to me it's not like you're really going to be able to push it properly after everything you've done already.
He won't be able to work as hard no, but he'll still be working rather than sat on a sofa doing nout :)
I understand that :) but surely by the time you get to the 2nd HIIT session you're going to be pretty much running on empty anyway and it'll just serve to completely wipe you out without making a massive difference to kcals burnt.
Obviously Kai and his trainer know a lot more about this than me, just seems like a lot especially when even competing bbers seem to choose a little bit more LISS over HIIT on the run up to a comp.
Oh I agree it seems like complete overkill :p

I would have thought some cardio in the morning with some HiiT later would do the trick, not read up on LISS so no idea how that works.
Agree it pure RIP, I am drained today already. Never mind only another 27 days left ;(

Delvis, for the LISS element I use a HR monitor and it's controlled at 60% of MAX HR based off first HITT element.
How many calories you eating now?

What's the science behind doing so much cardio and not affecting muscle at all?
Low Days - 1,913 calories [c/p/f ] 10/40/50 %
Medium 1,913 calories [c/p/f ] 30/40/30 %

High 2,239 calories [c/p/f ] 45/40/15 %

Saturday was a bit of a test to see how I fill out with an influx of clean carbs, next test is dirty carbs :) I did two high days but doubled everything so it was a 4,478 for two days :)

As for science, I will be honest I have not read much on this, but trust my coach, incredibly knowledgeable. Only thing I have come across is Layne Norton's podcast on cardio for shoot prep.
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That much cardio and so little calories, I'd be surprised if it spared your muscles completely. Are you doing weights too?
That much cardio and so little calories, I'd be surprised if it spared your muscles completely. Are you doing weights too?

of course lifting heavy still 6 -8 reps. Remember im only 65.5kg at the moment.

I supplement with 40bcaa tablets 4:1:1 ratio per weight session to help reserve.
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