kd's log of........ something

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So I got hit by some virus last week.

Thursday's session went ahead as planned, but Saturday's got called off. Thursday's had just taken too big a hit.

Today however:
BSS - 10kg - 5x5 - Time to up these next session. Left leg is now in tune with right more.
Dumbell Press - 14kg - 5x5 - Due to the issues I'd been having on 30, I wanted to try some dumbells. It went up unbelievably easy on right, not so much on left. Needs to be addressed. Did this from kneeling to try and keep core working still.
DL - 60kg - 5x5 - Massive queue for this, plus the guys that asked to jump in with me, then proceeded to be ****s and take forever doing their lifts. Strict rest my ****....
Dips - 8/12/12 - More focussed on form, due to DL issues, I didn't have much time to do anything beyond this.

Whilst I was waiting for the Oly bar for DLing, I did happen to do some Smith Squat 1RM attempts (why not) Hit 91kg. Woop.

SL 5x5

Stretching + Mobility

Slight changes, and I think these will be the final changes to the program.
BSS (Goblet Squat [1.5 Rep]): 12kg (24kg) 5x5
Barbell Row (with pause at top): 35kgx5x5
Bench: 45kgx5x5
Chin Ups: 8/5/5
Reverse Crunch: 10kgx5x5

Again, whilst waiting for the Bench the DL bar was free. Did a 1RM and did 60/70/80/90/ 100xf
If I have some time, I want to hit a 95 ideally, so might try that at some point.
Bench I also got a spotter today, and managed a 60. When they asked me what I was repping with and I said 45, they were like, oh maybe we should try a 50. 50 Flew up XD

Stretching + Mobility

BSS with supersetted 1.5 rep Goblet Squat - what the hell did I let myself in for?!

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Don't worry about hogging the bar of you are doing strict rests. Be insistent that they have to work in with you.

I hog the bar in my gym for about an hour - admittedly there are 4!

What's your body weight at the moment? I'm sitting just over 75kg afaik and I think 37.5kg on oh press at 5x5 is going to be an absolute nob on Sunday. I'm approaching the dreaded 60 on bench as well - I've never been satisfied with my 5x5 on it so it'll be interesting to see if I can get it with 90s rests :s
Think I'm sitting at about 66kg atm (5'9)

I have started to feel a lot less 'I don't give a ****' about hogging the bar at the moment mind xD On which note, I've started doing OHP with it. I don't care if you've got a barbell that's the same weight, it's a completely different experience. Much more balancing and stabilisation I've discovered. I also used it for DL's straight after as well, and worked up to a 1RM must have been using it for about an hour xD

I'm actually still doing only 60 second rest. Although it's probably closer to 75 as I tend to see 60, then set up.

I've killed the 1.5 rep on Gob Squat I've decided, with the BSS it's just too much.

Light Mobility + Stretching

BSS (Goblet Squat): 12 (26) 5x5
OHP: 32.5x5/32.5x4/30x5/30x5/30x5
DL: 65x5x5 90/95/100/105/110/120xf
Dips: 12/12/10

Lots of Mobility + Stretching + Foam Rollering.

Cut back the 'Assistance' exercises a bit today, because I wanted to get a proper figure in for DL, so did the main working set, then wanted to do a 1RM so I had a more realistic figure. It did mean I couldn't get as much in as I wanted assistance wise, but it was more about getting the rest of it in. I'm also now happy enough with my form that I'm restarting to increase the weight on DL.

The BSS and Goblet Squat is still killing me slowly. Going to have to work out a progression method for that. It's an interesting one from both a weight and cardio perspective. It's a hell of a lot of hard work.

OHP - So, big difference today was using the Oly bar to do this properly rather than the BB set ones. Definitely made a difference. Tried 32.5 at first, but after the second set I could tell it wasn't going to happen, so dropped it down to 30. The stabilisation was a difference experience, so I think next time I'll use the Oly bar, but do 30 and see if I can do that for 5 sets (should be able to) just to double check.

Dips - I'm being much stricter on not flaring the elbows at the moment, hence I feel the lack in number.

Video of DL @ 110KG? I'm guessing your form will have gone totally out the window at that weight.
Haven't got one unfortunately, however, yeah, I'm guessing the same. I tried to stay strict, but don't have the greatest confidence that I did. I know form was fine up to about 90, because I was paying more attention to that. At 110, I was too focussed on psyched and in the zone to watch as it went up (too busy to film)

Been really ill over the last couple of days, but I figured I'd get down to the gym and see how it went.

Leg's were already being cut down, because the new bss/gob squat routine is killer and not something I'd handle in this state. I'm also aware that I'll be missing my normal Saturday routine due to a work shift, so will have to make that up at some point.

SL 5x5 12/2/2013:
Leg Press - 100kg - 5x5 (This was my cut back leg work for the day)
Bench Press - 47.5 - 5x5
Paused BB Row - 35 - 5x5
Dips - 2.5kg - 8/8/8
Hanging Leg Raises - 6,2/5,3/0
Reverse Crunch - 10kg - 12/12/12

Next session - I'm adding 2.5kg to Bench, Dips and BB Row.
- I suspect the BB Row will be a fail because I doubt I'll be able to pause it quite at the top.
- Bench should go up quite easily I feel. 47.5 really wasn't bad.
- Dips - The aim for progression for dips now is to add 2.5kg each time I manage to do a full 8/8/8. I may take some time to focus on form slightly though at some point.
- Hanging Leg Raises - I'm using these more for grip. The reason they failed today was a grip issue, not an ab strength issue. So hopefully they'll help solve some of that
- Reverse Crunch - Still killing me, but 10kg now seems manageable. Onto 9kg next session.

SL 5x5

Warm up (Stretching + Mobility)

BSS [Goblet Squat] - 12x5x5 [24x5x5]
OHP - 32.5 - 5/5/4 30 - 5/5
Deadlift - 70 - 5/5/5/5/5
Pull Ups - 5/3/1
Reverse Crunch - 9kg - 12/12/12

Warm Down - Mobility + Stretching

I finally got around to creating a new spreadsheet with the BSS and Gob Squat progress set up, so hopefully progress will be more steady than the last two lifts across that. The effective 4kg jump in BSS makes it slightly complex, so hopefully I've got it worked out now.
OHP is still killing me. Progress is so annoyingly slow.
DL I managed the weight, but want to do it again next time as I'm not sure my form was quite up to scratch to be honest.

Yeah, it's the first time I did that. I'm not really sure why either to be honest, apart from the fact that my shoulders had gone to **** by that point for some reason. I'm going to try 32.5 for the 5 sets again next time. If I don't hit it I'll definitely need to start doing some more DB work.

60s rest kills me on the DL's. It's also agonising on the BSS/Gob squat superset. Absolutely destroys me (although I think I need to up the Gob Squat weight quite a bit). But not really due to a lack of rest on the BSS/Gob Squats (It's hard to explain). On DL's it's a pain because I reset every rep anyway, so can't build up any momentum in stuff. Last set I tend to do as a straight 5 reps, with retightening if needs be at the bottom of the rep, it makes that last set so much easier... (weight is still being lifted from Dead)

For everything else 60s is ok at the moment. I suppose it would increase my chances of getting the OHP sorted at this weight, but for now, nothing major is hitting opposition so I'll keep going with 60s. Bench, to be honest, is still pretty easy at this weight.

At the moment, I'm also strongly considering an absolutely extreme program over Summer after exams. I'll have been doing SL for some time by that point, so will probably want a break. So over Summer I might do something massive and stupid (time dedicated I mean here) - I want to get up and see Ice/Dom about form over Summer anyway, so may talk to them about it as well for ideas. I'll then plan on going back to SL once I'm working and don't have as much time on my hands (cutting down to main exercises excl. assistance could make for a session I could probably just about squeeze into a lunch hour)

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Where's leg press dude? Like ice has mentioned, do it. Some funky goblet squat/bss thing might feel like lots of hard work, but then so does doing 15kg DB bench press/40kg BB bench superset - it's still no substitute for simple BB bench @ 60kg. Big weight big gains bro.
I'd also lose the pause part of your BOR. You're a relative meganoob to this whole lifting game (as am I) so you're still learning correct shoulder positioning - pausing at the point where your shoulders are under the most stress is just asking for trouble IMO. It's supposed to be a pendlay row, which is explosive!

:edit: Double post? Me no care.
Leg press is dropped due to timing constraints. I fit it in when I can, but I can't always. It's really as simple as that.

Yeah, I'm not sure about the pause part. It's not really a pause pause, more of a hold pause (like a pause to make sure it's under control rather than a pause and pause and pause and lower).

I'll switch it out for Pendlay Row's Post Summer (or during) - basically (hopefully) once I've gone to see Ice and Dom about stuff
Why not pendlay rows now? No point waiting surely. If you're not doing pendlay rows and you're not low bar squatting you're really not doing SL.

Can't you do some of the mobility stuff later at home? Maybe cut dips/chins even just once per week so you have time for leg press?
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