Here we go.
I was feeling better - woop woop. Well, not fantastic, but well enough to get to the gym.
Had a short session due to other commitments, but managed to squeeze a reasonable amount in for the first session back:
DL - 70x5x5
Bench - 50x5x2, 45x5x3
Leg Press - 100x5x5
TRX Row (with Rings) - 5x5
Ok, so the big thing about today, was in essence I just went for all compound stuff. If it wasn't for lack of squat rack I'd have just done all three compound lifts.
Rings were good fun, and they meant I finally found a use for the Smith!
I tried some dips first. They were difficult. I did about 1, then realised that I needed to work on stabilising first, so practised just holding myself upright.
My legs are really annoying me right now. I haven't found anything that really works progressing wise. My Leg Press has suffered a lot since last time, and right now I can't decide to just say sod it, and use the smith to squat, or have a bit of a weird system in my legs. It's annoying because the squats (even in a smith) did certainly work for me from a progress perspective. Now progress seems to be faltering quite a lot.
You'll have noticed as well I suspect that my Bench has gone down. I'm going to try 45x5x5 next time so I can get the strength back with proper form. I was much happier about form this time, although did realise my wrists are not correctly set up. I think for Bench, I would ideally like to work up to 50x5x5 and then nail form.
DL - Weight was easy, but being the first session back in a week or two I'm not so sure that the form was correct. But really pleased with how easy the weight went up.
Getting in and out that quick and getting those three done was surprisingly nice, to the extent where I'm very much considering just changing my session to just be Sq/DL/Be/OHP plus some ring assistance work. Frankly, at these weights and my age, I'm pretty sure my body would recover just fine to do that as a session three times a week...