kd's log of........ something

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Making good progress dude, keep it up.

When is it you will be able to change gyms?

Thanks :)

So it's a bit up in the air at the moment. I'm about to start week 8 of 11 of this term. I've then got three weeks off at Easter, which I'll probably spend most of the time at uni revising anyway. So same gym. Then I've got exam period. I don't really know when exams are yet, but basically I can use the gym back home after this point. That said, I don't know how good the gym back home actually is.

Then mid-September, I'll switch to a gym in London, but as of yet, I'm not sure which office I'll be in, but will find a gym near the office at the time.


SL 5x5
BSS - 12 - 5x5
[Goblet Squat] - 30 - 5x5
BB Row - 37.5 - 5x5
Bench - 50 - 5x5
Dips - BW + 5 - 5x5
Reverse Crunch - 8kg - 3x12

Left shoulder was giving me all kinds of oddness. Weirdly, I think I twinged it on the WU for the Bench (some explosive just bar work). Anyway, I massaged it heavily and it seems to have sorted itself out fine for the Bench. I've upped the Goblet Squat weight to make it harder, 30 still isn't bad, think that'll go up next session. Pretty sure the BSS is due to go up to 14 next session as well. Pretty happy with Bench. It still felt reasonably easy, although I did have some weird issues with grip that did my head in. Dips were a bit fun due to shoulder, but again, worked out fine, and RC was nice and easy as well. Ready to go down again in weight next session :)
I'm also switching over to 5x5 for dips/Pull Ups and Chin Ups as I want a more strength focussed routine I've decided.

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SL 5x5 21/2/2013

Leg Press 120 - 5/5, 130 -5/5-5
BSS 14x5x5
Ohp 32.5x5x5 :D
DL 70 - 5/5/5/5/8
Dips - BW + 8 - 5x5
RC - 7kg - 3x12

My left shoulder is a bit gimped from the dips. Going to order some rings as I'm happy with switching over at this weight. I've switched it up so I'm doing pull ups on row and bench day and dips on dl and press day. Feel it works better.

Did leg press for some proper weight. Bss afterwards were a *****

Dl was gorgeous today. I have started to stop letting go of bar and resetting each time. Means I can keep tension on the bar I feel or allows me to keep up momentum or something. Definitely makes it easier and am keeping form strict. Still happy with it.

RC is still happily progressing

Oh, and OHP. **** YEAH!!!!! These have been fighting me for a while, so happy I've demolished that weight.

I find it makes more sense to do pull ups on press+DL day (as you already hit back and bis on row day and they might be fried if you do them on the same day) and dips on bench+row day (same reason but for shoulders as they might be fried from OHP, way more so than on bench day at least).

Doing OHP and then dips might well be what has given you shoulder lameness
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No... that's what you're switching from! I've found doing dips on the same day as OHP to cause more shoulder problems than when following bench, and that pull ups tend to be hindered from BOR being done previously.
I do dips on the A workout and chins/pulls on the B. When I was doing x3 a week, if it was an A B A week, I'd do hammer grip chins, B A B I'd do chins (shoulder width) the first one, and pulls (wider grip) the second, so I'd cover all the bases.

My shifts made it hard to do x3 over 7 days without sleep being messed up though, so I've switched to x3-4 over 10 days so just alternate A B A B. Not sure how I'll mix the chins/pulls in there.
Hmm, fair enough, thanks for the info.

Can't do hammer grip chins at my gym (don't have the grip position), but I think at the moment I'll see how each goes. Might find I hate pull ups on Bench/Row day. We shall see :)

It's six and two threes in my opinion. You'll get bigger numbers on your lifts when you're alternating muscle groups. But you'll work the muscle more (whilst hitting lower weights) if you do them on the same muscle group days.
It's six and two threes in my opinion. You'll get bigger numbers on your lifts when you're alternating muscle groups. But you'll work the muscle more (whilst hitting lower weights) if you do them on the same muscle group days.

Yeah that was my thinking, however I feel if someone's finding they're having problems with their workouts smegging up their shoulders it can be worth keeping certain exercises as separated as possible and pairing up antagonistic assistance exercises instead.
Update required bro. I thought you lifted :p

Been hit with a pretty rough fever over the last few days. Taken a lot out of me, and has possibly flared up a cold sore today - which I haven't had in years, but gives scale of what it's taken out of me. I'll be back in the gym on Tuesday either way though.

Bench will be attempted at 50 again, with correct form. Although I suspect I'll have to knock it down. I'd spent so long focussing on my DL form, I kind of neglected my Bench one, and then thought about it the other day and realised just how dire it is. Hopefully it won't slow me down though and it'll be fine. As I say, I'll try 50, and if I find the first set fine, I'll put it up to the 52.5 where it should be.

Know that feel broseph, do you even lemsip? Alternatively just go in there coughing and spluttering, chicks dig that.

What do you think is/was wrong with your bench form?
Know that feel broseph, do you even lemsip? Alternatively just go in there coughing and spluttering, chicks dig that.

What do you think is/was wrong with your bench form?

My elbows. They were massively wrong, far too 90 degree to shoulder. Shoulder popping/breaking/destroying incoming :p I'd taken a quick look at bench form previously, and knew not to do it, I think I'd just slipped back into bad habits. I've been doing push ups at home in the mean time to get the form spot on. Thankfully, that creates quite an easy way to practice bench as it's basically the same movement

But yeah, I was on lemsip, ibuprofen and just about everything that I could get under the sun and mix without destroying my liver

I found getting videos of my bench from the front and side really helped me identify what was wrong, allowed me to see how wide of a grip I needed and what my arms where doing :)
Ah the infamous gymnoob shoulder destroyer special. I watched an awesome video a while back that explained proper bench form, I believe Chris1712 posted it showing someone else how he fixed his bench. It comes down to pulling the shoulder blades together as if trying to grip a pencil between them and keep the chest out, this makes a solid base to press from and keeps your shoulders back in a safe position. Mine do at times still venture forwards if I lose focus/when feeling extra weakling mode but never like they used to with my old flat backed, hollow chested shoulder snap of doom.
I'm more talking about the bars line from start to finish, along with grip width, these two things used to break my shoulders without fail
I think I've now got it sorted, well, the concept, I now just have to apply it.

I've spent the last however many days bedridden - for anyone interested. Basically getting up to eat and go to lectures. (when you only have 8 hours in a week it's hard to miss them). Most of the other time I've spent in bed.

As such, basically, yeah, I'm messed up and in bed most of the time, and gym has been non-existent.

I'm starting to get gym pangs :(

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