Keeping up with the Markles

5 Feb 2006
Yup, you've convinced me now - you totally don't have an opinion here...

As Theo pointed out:

I'll await another post from you colonel Klinck about this topic you totally aren't bothered about, make sure to throw in another ":rolleyes:" emoji as that's particularly convincing in emphasizing how you don't care.

mmm.... what do they say in a certain other thread, 'He's Trolling'. ;)
1 Mar 2010
CKlink doth protest too much , methinks

...recalls a previous conversation with Winfrey in which she said should would not be able to take part in an interview with her.

"I couldn't have said yes then - that wasn't my choice to make," Meghan says.

"As an adult who lived a really independent life to then go into this construct that is different than I think what people imagine it to be - it's really liberating to be able to have the right and privilege in some way to be able to say yes... to be able to just make a choice on your own and be able to speak for yourself."

like her latest quote, with a tell, from her inner child.
my lifes ambition, a Winfrey interview - well, I now need to prostitute myself.

Will the ex palace employees will get a similar payout like Pritis' victim, unfortunately, not from her pocket.
6 Jan 2012
Not easy is it? I mean reserving judgement until having watched the interview. I am trying to keep an open mind, watch, listen and make my mind up. Maybe Oprah will ask some searching questions and not just provide openings for stock self-pitying answers? There I go again :)
29 Aug 2005
You reckon a hit piece paid for by the inconsolable Mohamed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Al Fayed and intended for the conspiracy audience in america is compelling.

Their own lawyers won't let it out the door for a proper release in the intended countries because it's an indefensible lawsuit.

But yes, it appeals to anyone with a low bar for stories from that angle. It's meant to.
Have you seen the documentary? Did you not think any of the evidence shown was credible? Or are you just a royalist that won't have a bad word said against the establishment?
17 Aug 2009
Have you seen the documentary? Did you not think any of the evidence shown was credible? Or are you just a royalist that won't have a bad word said against the establishment?

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Are you swallowing it for logical reasons? Why is it passing your standard for evidence when the claims it makes are indefensible despite having a billionaire backer?
29 Jan 2008
Latest clip, doing the rounds on social media she seems to feign that she didn't really know what she was getting into and they're moaning about the fact she couldn't do an Opera interview or even discuss cashing in and doing one when she was a working Royal... I mean how do they think this all works - that a Royal Family would be sustainable if they all went off for paid interviews, cashing in on status were free to campaign/speak their mind on political issues etc... if (senior. working) Royals were allowed to do that then they'd both compromise their positon as politically neutral and stick a middle finger up to the taxpayers subsidising their lifestyle - you can't have it both ways:

Maybe I'm just LARPing Dowie. You know all about that right. Here have a ;) I like to mix them up.

You are LARPing now! Not sure you were before with your I totally don't care/don't have an opinion posts...

17 Aug 2009
I have an open mind. You haven't seen it then?

Of course I've seen it.

Infested with cherry picking, claims pulled out of his ass and the gold standard of selling a story to the intended conspiracy theory audience. Telling them he's got an open mind while at the same time selling an angle that is far from it.

Works doesn't it :)
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
This is what I find most amusing. People (in general, not specifically here) are acting like Meghan is dragging the royal family though the dirt yet people don't keep the same energy that they have for Meghan as they do for a nonce who doesn't sweat and goes to pizza express in the afternoon.

Utter joke

exactly this. However Noncedrew fits in with peoples views so he should not be persecuted becuase reasons.....................
29 Jan 2008
exactly this. However Noncedrew fits in with peoples views so he should not be persecuted becuase reasons.....................

Who has said he shouldn't be persecuted? Can you point at any poster in this thread that has given a view along those lines? Or are you just making up nonsense as usual?

Or indeed just in general - is that a popular view do you think among say the media - that people shouldn't be critical of Andrew?
1 Sep 2010
exactly this. However Noncedrew fits in with peoples views so he should not be persecuted becuase reasons.....................

Just FYI as I know people have short memories, but Prince Andrew has been a laughing stock to the British public for years. He's often been jokingly referred to as the Queen's favourite because she gives him special medals on his birthdays despite the fact that he does bugger all.

If your point is that Andrew is some kind of poster boy for the royal family you're utterly deranged. He was rightly and widely ridiculed for his bizarre interview after the revelations came to light.
17 Aug 2009
Where's the open minds when stories are organised to inflate attention before a money making interview.

The story isn't worth spit but the outrage is, oh the producers are going to be dribbling at the ratings.
29 Aug 2005
Of course I've seen it.

Infested with cherry picking, claims pulled out of his ass and the gold standard of selling a story to the intended conspiracy theory audience. Telling them he's got an open mind while at the same time selling an angle that is far from it.

Works doesn't it :)
Each to there own I believed some of it not all of it.
29 Jan 2008
Each to there own I believed some of it not all of it.

What allegations do you believe and what's the basis for those beliefs?

I've not watched this "documentary" but I'm aware of various conspiracy theories surrounding the deaths/car crash - I don't suppose there is anything novel presented in the documentary that hasn't also been alleged elsewhere so I'd be interested to know what you found compelling?

(could perhaps be a topic for another thread)
17 Aug 2009
Just as well you're not into all of it.

Hated how hard they leaned on "the letter" as gold which essentially says that Charles would kill her with brake sabotage to marry the nanny and that he didn't care for Camilla.

I'd sooner believe the queen mother hulk punched Dianas car into a pillar than go with Charles having the guts or motivation for any bit of that.

Easier to sell if you change Charles to "the royal family", "MI6" or "Philip" then glossing over differences with reality by stretching the words "car accident" real hard and some careful quoting.

But it still stands, the original text is bat **** crazy and they loved using their cherry picking of it.
1 Mar 2010
Meghan could have subjected herself to an interview by a more credible journalist , Andrews executioner MissK, Paxman, but, seems Humphries proposed his questions.

Writing in the Daily Mail, he said: "One of the reasons you gave for wanting to free yourselves of the Royal Family shackles was that you wanted your privacy to be respected.
"Yet you have just announced that you have agreed to do an interview with the most famous TV celebrity on the planet which will be broadcast to hundreds of millions of people around the world.
"Isn't there just the teeniest contradiction here?
"Not to mention the way you have a habit of popping up in the papers every other week. Isn't it all rather orchestrated?
"What part of that word 'duties' did you not understand, Meghan?"
The former BBC presenter would also question eco-warrior Harry on climate change and suggest the royal "practise what you preach".
And he would probe the Queen's grandson and the ex-Suits star on how much they are being paid by Netflix and Spotify.
Mr Humphrys would also grill Meghan on seeing her estranged father Thomas Markle, which he claimed would not take long "especially by private jet".
And he would ask the former actress if her interview with ITV journalist Tom Bradby during her and Harry's Africa tour - which saw her complain about the struggles of royal life - "was just a tad insensitive given that you were literally surrounded by vast numbers of people who lead lives of utterly abject poverty" and could have "come across as a little self-centred".
Setting out his final question, the ex-BBC presenter claimed Harry is now "widely regarded as a sanctimonious, selfish young man who tells others how to lead their lives while you enjoy a life of luxury that is unimaginable except to a tiny few"

How scripted are oprahs interviews anyway, the trailers were clearly anticipated.
albeit she has been in a tv show so she knows how to actwhistle doesn't she (albeit not as her level) , fluency of answers will probably indicate if it is first take.
18 Oct 2002
Of course they wanted the cash. How else are they going to earn their money whilst living a quiet and peaceful life? They're hardly going to keep up their lifestyle working small local town jobs are they.

If they stay = They're just leaching off the taxpayers funds
Now they've left = Look at them. They just want to make money

I can’t see why they would need to keep trying to cash in, she’s already worth a few million and he’s not exactly short of cash himself. They could have quite easily disappeared and led a quiet(ish) and comfortable life but they haven’t, instead they insist on pushing themselves into the limelight. It’s all a bit hypocritical for me. I’d be quite sympathetic if the had tried to disappear and were still getting hounded.

I’m bored of hearing them moaning about hard done by they are and I gather the Oprah thing is just more of the same, there are people in far worse positions than they are. They should be grateful for what they have.
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26 Feb 2007
Parental advice as to suitable and unsuitable partners is not something many should ignore, especially those in the public eye where disastrous relationships come under gleeful media scrutiny. Watching these two, (and the EU ;)) is definitely popcorn stuff...

Why did I read this in Ross Kemp's voice?
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