Keeping up with the Markles

Seems to me like it was all a bit of a fake tiff - possibly so that Morgan can leave the childrens news show and go off to be with his right wing mates at the new UK News channel.
Seems to me like it was all a bit of a fake tiff - possibly so that Morgan can leave the childrens news show and go off to be with his right wing mates at the new UK News channel.

He has got a point really - as soon as anyone says "racism" or "mental health" you just arent allowed to question it anymore - it gets waved through automatically.

The "racist" press - everything I have seen seems more likely as a result of the fact she is a divorced American actress marrying into the Royal family than that she is "black".. The whole mental health, cry for help stuff - she and Harry are both adults. If she really wanted help that badly presumably either one of them is allowed to pick up the phone and arrange it themselves- despite what a Royal flunky might say or were they both being held prisoner in their gilded cage ?? Poor Archie wasnt going to get a title - obvious racism if you ignore the fact that the rule about that has been in place since 1917 - but yeah its obviously about his color.

Just seems a rather obvious ploy to throw in the two hot button topics of the day and sit back in the safe knowledge that you get a free pass on it and have just earned dollar machine level publicity that will run and run.
Harry was 20, who didn't do stupid **** when they were 20? Also if this article is to be believed William helped him choose the costume. So I guess we're all pilling on with William as well.

Doesn't matter that it was a decade or so ago, people in lower positions in society have lost jobs/careers and lives for doing the same sort of crap when they were younger. There was a 20 something law student thrown out of university for something they posted as a minor, she was 14 when she posted it. Now who at the age of 14 didn't do something so completely stupid it would give you a one way ticket to cancellation street today.
I'm sorry but that is nonsense. For one you couldn't just say what you wanted at school, if teachers heard you, you were looking at being punished and if the wrong kid heard you, you were likely to get a smack in the mouth or have kids turn on you. Words can have consequences, just ask the parents of kids who have killed themselves from nothing more than being called names.

I've heard these arguments from when I was a teenager in the 80s. Then it was people no longer being able to use the n-word, the p-word or the like. Society evolves thank god, some people won't like the way it evolves. It will ebb and flow, it always has.

Words can have consequences indeed and back then they did as well, they would highly unlikely result in you losing a job though like they would now. Hell the ******* bridage went after Henry Cavil because he once DATED Gina Carano over a decade ago. That is just beyond moronic.
He was stating provable facts but Alex refused to accept what he was saying. What did Piers Morgan do wrong in that interview?

The Prince issue isn't the only thing they were arguing about. Their was the mental health and just the fact he says she is liar and nothing she said is to be believed. I never watch the show but I believe he's been on her case again since the story there was going to be this interview came out. Before that he's been on her case for years.
The Prince issue isn't the only thing they were arguing about. Their was the mental health and just the fact he says she is liar and nothing she said is to be believed. I never watch the show but I believe he's been on her case again since the story there was going to be this interview came out. Before that he's been on her case for years.

According to some other talking bit, she had blocked Piers or something on social media and ever since he's been on a rampage badmouthing everything about her. Basically butthurt.
Doesn't matter that it was a decade or so ago, people in lower positions in society have lost jobs/careers and lives for doing the same sort of crap when they were younger. There was a 20 something law student thrown out of university for something they posted as a minor, she was 14 when she posted it. Now who at the age of 14 didn't do something so completely stupid it would give you a one way ticket to cancellation street today.

And I would agree on the face of it that is crazy. Although people are fully aware now that what they post on social media could come back to haunt them.

Cancel culture as it is now called has been around forever though. "Being sent to Coventry" I believe dates back to the 1700s. Again social media has just amplified people's voices. Before you'd just tell your friends or people down the pub how you felt about a particular issue or event, now you can tell the whole world. Still public figures had to be careful of what they said, those that were gay would hide the fact because they didn't want to risk being "cancelled".
I literally explained how they didn't say that.

My apologies, I was paraphrasing. If you need me to be a bit more on the nose, I can do that.


"But surely this will just add fuel to the fire. Doesn't scream "I want to get away from...

the British press constantly invading their privacy
...does it?

I don't for a second think they're stupid enough to think that moving abroad to get away from press (in any country) and then give away such a in depth account to a different media outlet (again in any country) is a sure fire way to keep any kind of privacy. Did they think the news wouldn't reach a different country and put them back in spot light? Come on.
The fact Piers Morgan is no longer on morning TV swings my allegiance towards team Meghan

Fergie, Diana, Meghan.....can't all be wrong

I originally thought that perhaps Harry should have done a bit more to pre-warn Meghan as to what she was walking into. Maybe he didn't want to scare her off, or maybe (just maybe), this was his gameplan all along. If true, the great escape has nothing on him! Would make a hell of a film.

We know the royal family are heartless and completely out of touch with reality. The only person who seems to have been shocked by it all is her. Unless Harry really was clueless and Meghan has opened his eyes.

It was never going to work though, not because she was mixed race, but I don't think an American upbringing prepares you for a life as a royal. Hell, remember the days of AOL chat when you went into the US rooms and recieved a warning telling you they are a lot softer than us lol

:edit: I think the word they used was was 25yrs ago

Buckingham Palace has made a statement saying:

"The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan."

Someone isn't telling the truth then. Unless then only people they told were palace staff and the family was shielded from it. Either way, quite a toxic environment.

I'd say I'm 60/40 in favour of Meghan at this point.
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Wasnt it more that he didnt believe she was depressed and feeling suicidal due to the way she felt she was being treated? Which he said was rubbish.

He was suggesting she was lying saying that she couldn't get help especially when her husband had a track record and a patron of mental health charities.
He said something like "Who did she see, who did she go to?".
Isn't the whole thing that they want media on their own terms and not the invasive press we have here? Seems like where they moved to is a Monaco-lite. To be fair, they should've just gone there anyway
He was stating provable facts but Alex refused to accept what he was saying. What did Piers Morgan do wrong in that interview?

He didn't really - he's paid for his opinion but because she's a "black" woman and this involves mental health then it suddenly becomes super sensitive...

In fact, the whole thing becomes some semi-woke issue just because of the angles being spun there - ordinarily a woe is me story about a famous actress and her aristocrat husband having to live off his trust fund would be absurd but how in those angles and you're supposed to be hugely sympathetic with them etc..

I don't see why multiples things can't be plausible here - that an unnamed member of the Royal Family is an out of touch racist, that Meghan is manipulative and a bully and that Harry is a bit thick/naive and has been completely played. This will absolutely blow up in his face if they ever get divorced.

Its quite telling that she didn't really have any friends or family at her wedding, she had her mum, cast members from suits and loads of celebrities, including Opera (who she'd only ever met once before). The first husband got ditched not long after she landed the role in suits, no cheating or other issues involved. Friends seemingly got ditched too.

The diva/bullying isn't just someone leaking gossip to the tabloids - it's multiple people, including journalists witnessing a staff member being reduced to tears in Australia after being scolded by Meghan, two PAs quitting in short succession and apparently a whole bunch of complaints to the palace from others. It wasn't just the bridesmaid dresses incident that caused an argument with Kate - they also apparently fell out over.... the way Meghan had spoken to a member of Kate's staff.

Harry has never been too bright - he went to one of the best schools in the country and came away with only two A-Levels - a B in art and a D in geography (only the latter one involved actually sitting an exam) his B grade is suspect as his art teacher claims she was instructed by the school to help him cheat. That apparent cheating is the only reason he even managed to scrape the min requirements to become an Army Officer - he was apparently well-liked in that role but realistically, he knew he wasn't going to go any further than Captian - that would involve passing exams again! Or having some position where he didn't follow a normal career anymore and he somehow got a bunch of actual promotions (not just appointments/ceremonial roles) he'd not earned.

That they were surprised the RCMP would no longer provide security to them is baffling, they're no longer working Royals yet they're expecting Canadian taxpayers to just cough up for their security.

Likewise Meghan's claims about not having anyone teach her what is expected - she didn't know the national anthem (as if that is difficult to google herself) or she didn't know basic stuff about royal protocol, expected behaviour etc... Harry only thought to ask her if she knew how to curtsey when in the car going to meet the Queen for the first time... He's a bit dim but she could have asked him about all of this stuff or indeed he could have been proactive and told her what she needed to know.

The whole thing was a big publicity play for them - being a victim. race etc.. are big things these days, especially in America - they played right into that, Harry has "done the work" etc.. fits neatly with a popular view in the US of the Royals being out of touch etc... (which isn't necessarily too far wrong). But essentially Harry, being a bit dim, has allowed his whole family to be thrown under the bus for the sake of raising their profile further as some power couple and gaining more popularity in the states. As much as he's tried to separate his accusations re: "the firm" rather than individual relatives the obvious damage has been done.
Harry has never been too bright - he went to one of the best schools in the country and came away with only two A-Levels - a B in art and a D in geography (only the latter one involved actually sitting an exam) his B grade is suspect as his art teacher claims she was instructed by the school to help him cheat. That apparent cheating is the only reason he even managed to scrape the min requirements to become an Army Officer - he was apparently well-liked in that role but realistically, he knew he wasn't going to go any further than Captian - that would involve passing exams again! Or having some position where he didn't follow a normal career anymore and he somehow got a bunch of actual promotions (not just appointments/ceremonial roles) he'd not earned.

I think the one positive that has come out of it is that he managed to see a life outside of the royal family and he is right to say both his father and brother are trapped. What ever your views of the royal family are living a free life is just not an option. You are a servant to the system.

I think the reality is Megan went into it completely blind and didn't realise what she was getting into. Tension increased and tempers flayed. If you don't play along to the system you get kicked out.
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