I'd say that if you tried to do everything on your own, the learning curve would be quite steep. Thankfully there are a ton of great tutorial videos on YouTube that give you great insight into how to get into a stable orbit, go to and land on the Mun, and so on. I would advise just messing around and building a few rockets of your own first. Understand how things like staging works, how the different size rockets not only affect your speed but your acceleration and your maneuverability. When you have a basic grasp of those things, check out some vids on YouTube
I found landing on the Mum difficult at first, mainly because I wasn't using a small enough rocket on my command module, meaning it was nigh on impossible to slow my descent speed in a controlled manner (engine was simply too powerful). When I was using the correct rocket, it became much easier. You'll obviously need to make sure you have some landing struts, and unless you're planning a rescue mission, you'll need to make sure you arrive with enough fuel to return home. The amount of fuel you need left though is tiny compared to the amount you use to get there.
I managed my first Minmus landing last night (the other moon around Kerbin), on my first attempt, using the same rocket design I used to land on the Mun. Just about had enough fuel left to get home. Landing was much harder I felt as it's nowhere near as flat a surface as the Mun, or at least it wasn't where I was landing. Good fun though. Next target is one of the other planets I think.