Kerbal Space Program


My little mini station with a few vehicles docked to it. The craft on the left was just meant to be a transfer vehicle, but the one on the right is a modified version which landed on the Mun, returned to Kerbin orbit, docked with the station and still just about had enough fuel to make a powered landing. Or it would have if I didn't forget that not all of Kerbin is at sea level, thank Jeb those parachutes decelerate you instantly!
Just bought this recently in the steam sale and have been have fun building rockets (currently for satellites only).

Is there some kind of keyboard shortcut for split connected parts apart? Some bits wont seem to separate with mouse controls and I can't see anything in the keybinds section of the wiki
Is there some kind of keyboard shortcut for split connected parts apart? Some bits wont seem to separate with mouse controls and I can't see anything in the keybinds section of the wiki

You mean to decouple? That'll be the Stage control, or spacebar. You'll need to make sure the right components are in the right stage, either in the icons on the right when you're building the rocket or the icons on the left when you're in the air. That's the most easy way to control pretty much every component on a ship.
You mean to decouple? That'll be the Stage control, or spacebar. You'll need to make sure the right components are in the right stage, either in the icons on the right when you're building the rocket or the icons on the left when you're in the air. That's the most easy way to control pretty much every component on a ship.

No I mean in the VAB. I'm trying to remove specific parts of the rocket as a I build it and It wont let me select individual parts, only the whole stack or part of the stack. The squares on the bottom right seems to have some kind of bearing on the parts you currently have selected but i dont know how it works.
Aah right. Exactly what are you trying to remove from what and from where? Screenies might help. If you're trying to remove something from the middle of a stack click on the piece directly below it, set it to one side and then grab the bit you want.
Aah right. Exactly what are you trying to remove from what and from where? Screenies might help. If you're trying to remove something from the middle of a stack click on the piece directly below it, set it to one side and then grab the bit you want.

Thanks for trying to help Art, thats kind of what im doing but some parts separate easily and sometimes it doesnt.

For example a simple single stage rocket:

Parachaute > Command Pod > SAS Control > Decoupler > Flue Tank > Engine.

I will be able to split the stack at say the decoupler or fuel tank but it wont let me remove the Parachaute or the SAS control from the Command Pod afterwards, it will just grab that part of the stack as one. Whenever a hover the mouse over the part to be remove it highlights the whole stack in red rather than the single piece in green.

Hope you get the gist of what I mean from that.
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Everything revolves around the command pod, so for stuff above the command pod you grab above the command pod, in your case just grab the parachute and that will come off. Only if you grab the command pod will you pick everything up.

If you got a lot above the command pod, do exactly what you do for below the command pod, but upside down, if that makes sense.

The three circles add graphics for centre of gravity, centre of thrust and centre of lift. More important on planes than rockets.
I've been using the Kathane and Mechjeb mod but the Kethane overlay you get for the planets doesn't seem to be working? Anyone else have this problem, as soon as I start scanning the grid kind of disappears inside the Mun so I cant see it :o
It seems to do it to all planets. I click the Kethane button in the map to show the overlay, it then shows for like a split second and seems to disappear into the body of the planet itself so it is not longer viable. :mad:
It seems to do it to all planets. I click the Kethane button in the map to show the overlay, it then shows for like a split second and seems to disappear into the body of the planet itself so it is not longer viable. :mad:

I haven't used it since they updated it and include an overlay, have yu actually used a satelite to map where the kethane is? It won't jut show you. You have to put a satelite in orbit and let it run.
Not played KSP since 0.18ish.
So this for me was a big achievement.

I present, Orbiter 1. The beginning of an interplanetary craft.


The front of the station is is the beginning and can house quite a few kerbals, ive yet to jettison the 2 fuel tanks as they still had a little fuel left in them for use.
Docked the additional fuel tanks just now, mechjeb handled the rendezvous but I did the docking at the end, not an easy task.

The tanks will stay there until I complete the mid & rear section, where any fuel will be transferred to the new tanks on the rear section or landing craft should they need them.

Got a fair bit planned for this, just trying to stick to stock parts where I can.
Just been trying to land on the Mun. Got into orbit fine and would have managed to land, but screwed it up the first time. Then loaded my quick save, the landing legs fell off :mad:

Managed to get them all back to Keribin safely though.
In my quest to not go to space in Kerbal Space Program, my latest achievement was to circumnavigate Kerbin, which I completed in 1h and 28 kerbin minutes. The landing was at night and in a pretty crappy plane so I am quite proud of my baby steps achievement! It did get pretty tense when I realised I was several hundred miles north of the Space Centre (my take of and landing was at night and I passed through the 'day time' so I got lost as map view isn't very good in the dark!) and had to fly south on fumes, and then do a second pass at landing.

Completely ruined it after I landed when I pressed the windows key- KSP doesn't like alt tabbing in Windows 8! Oh well, I know I achieved it, even if the game doesn't.
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