Kerbal Space Program

Just downloaded this last night and I'm hooked. I started out just sending a number or unmanned single stage rockets into the sea just to experiment with the different engines. I then build a few 2 stage rockets and got a satellite into orbit but forgot to add solar panels so its currently just floating up there dead. Next up I sent a kerbal into orbit using the same two stage rocket from my satellite launch.

That all went very well apart from a few mishaps with SRB decoupling on my first few rockets.

I then tried to send 3 Kerbals into orbit using the larger rockets and it all went to hell. I read the asparagus method and tried to implement it as my first stage, but it just resulted in a really wobbly rocket on the launch pad and then none of the engines would decouple when they ran out of fuel. The wobble I think is down to lack of struts the decoupling thing however I've no idea about, can anyone offer some advice? So far managed to get that far using only the in game tutorials but I watched the KSP 101 video this morning and that's helped a lot with the manoeuvring side of thing but I'm still unclear why my rockets refuse to separate.

If it was very wobbely it can just break so that none of the stages work anymore, it doesn't look broken but you can tell it is by trying to move navball, if you can't move it then the rocket is broken, so pressing space bar won't do anything.
Yay, 5fps :(


After 10 minutes of ramming my extra 4 heavy drilling things finally docked :)
yeh i think its the kethane mod causing fps/physics issues for me. Just been playing around with big ships and no kethane and its fine. :(
Generally having large amounts of stuff limits me :(
CPU doesn't max out on any cores, barely goes above 60% and my GPU just doesn't do anything. It sits at 900Mhz at 0% usage
I think its bad coding that they will optimise later. Its only early in development.

Edit: Also my remotetech network was set up badly. Had a few satellites 10-20s out in there orbit times. Tried getting to duna and about 70 days later my satellites were out of line :(
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Use mechjeb, on there is orbit info. Make sure you average it out as close as possible.
It's 2868.4 if I remeber correctly. So make sure you have RCS and play about so it averages that doesn't matter if its say, 2868.6 and 2868.2 as long as it averages you're good, however after a very long time it will still al move as you can't get it precise, but you can get it very close.
Generally having large amounts of stuff limits me :(
CPU doesn't max out on any cores, barely goes above 60% and my GPU just doesn't do anything. It sits at 900Mhz at 0% usage
I think its bad coding that they will optimise later. Its only early in development.

Edit: Also my remotetech network was set up badly. Had a few satellites 10-20s out in there orbit times. Tried getting to duna and about 70 days later my satellites were out of line :(

Well, ksp uses unity, which has no in build way of using multiple cores on the CPU. hopefully they will take note of the unity asset called loom which, if the project was converted to work with it, could solve these problems
Use mechjeb, on there is orbit info. Make sure you average it out as close as possible.
It's 2868.4 if I remeber correctly. So make sure you have RCS and play about so it averages that doesn't matter if its say, 2868.6 and 2868.2 as long as it averages you're good, however after a very long time it will still al move as you can't get it precise, but you can get it very close.

I have a failsafe now, loads of polar satellites and im also planning on upgading the geostationarys
If ksp uses unity, do you think there is any chance of it coming to Android? I keep wishing I could play it on my tablet on the way to work! Even if was just the VAC.

Since it is still single threaded, I suspect the physics calculations for even the smallest of rockets would completely overload a tablet.
looks about right considering how much he is taking up to the moon. If you look at the picture at launch there is a command pod as well as the lander so once you get past the 30 bajillion solid rocket boosters it doesnt look so bad.

what i would suggest is removing a lot of the thrusters from the mun lander. Dont forget that gravity is much weaker on the moon (1/6th of earth/kerbin) so you can get away with a much lower T/W ratio. i wouldnt be surprised if two of the red radial engines would be enough for that ship
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What the hell.
Far to big.

I tried smaller - didnt even get into orbit. Im not a pro at this :(
looks about right considering how much he is taking up to the moon. If you look at the picture at launch there is a command pod as well as the lander so once you get past the 30 bajillion solid rocket boosters it doesnt look so bad.

yeh had command pod aswell - thought about docking after Mun but again low fuel. will try fewer engines on the lander. whats better than the rocket boosters? Big orange ones?
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we've all been there! It's only when you can do it with something like that and then do it with something much smaller you get real kerbal points :)

Everyone starts somewhere :)
Next step complete....well two actually

Managed to get a probe around Mun to do some mapping. Not quite the polar orbit I was after, but not a bad first attempt.

Have also managed to get a Kerbal in orbit around the Mun too.....

Next step, to bring him back and then plan a landing. Think first landing will be unmanned probe or something, then a Kerbal.

1st manned Mun mission did not go according to plan as may have forgot to put on some solar panels.....decelerated into Mun orbit, with an orbit that put me on a landing path, but could not spin craft to change so went ploughing straight into the Munar surface at a very great rate of knots....we live and learn (unless you are the Kerbal in the craft...RIP)

Edit:- Just managed to grab this after finishing post......

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I keep reaching mun, landing and having a wander around and then running out of fuel on the way home. If I add fuel to this last stage, I still run out! I guess because my lower stages don't get me as far due to the extra weight. Is this a linear relationship? I.e.

1 small tank = 1000 miles range for small orbiting engine.
Weight of small tank means my main engines cut out 1000 miles earlier?
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