Random "What I've Learned" Post with lots of screens...
I've spent a couple of hours on KSP this week, and did my first mun landing. I am yet to get home though, as I always run out of fuel. Being the impatient type, I decided to put my efforts towards making some sort of shuttle instead. Whilst the real shuttle is 'a spaceplane with a ****-off big fuel tank and engine bunged underneath' this did not agree with the physics in KSP, so first I tried this, which, whilst it would not look out of place in a bond film, flew like ass:
I ended up with two orange tanks with sandwiching the spaceplane and went through a few tweaks of the design:
First error was having my tail fin clipped into the orange tank, when it separated, everything went boom... slight flaw there..
Once in orbit found that mounting two jet engines under the wing like a commercial jet just flipped me over in space continually- school boy error, should have looked at where my 'centre oft thrust' was!
I tested out a couple of different engines and engine placements. In the end I went for this. Got a solar panel too finally.
However landing it was a pain in the ass as I wanted to land on my landing gear, which means decending at about 70 degrees and then belly flopping at the last minute (or maybe not, as I never actually did it...). The first time I tried, I snapped off my engine and then rolled away (and ran over Jeb
). Second time I don't think really counts...
Added some landing struts:
Which resulted in:
**** you game.