Going start a career game later tonight for the 1st time so should be interesting
Quick question what happens if you run out of kerbals Is it game over
Going to cut a long story short:
1. I don't understand what hardly any items etc do.
2. I mainly make a rocket stem, add wings and engines/boosters and hope.
3. How do you "break off" rockets and continue using the next long while having a shed load of fuel? I run out in under a few minutes.
Start with career mode, at least that will limit the parts available giving you a chance to learn what they do in a controlled manner.
Scott Manley is legendary, amount the Kerbal community.
Some of his earliest missions, where also the best, because he was so new at the game, you could guarantee a good crash.
I'd actually recommend, using Sandbox first, at very least to learn craft construction + basic flight + orbiting + docking.
PS: Consider loading up the Kerbal X Rocket, its a good starter one.
And then move onto the Career mode; To build your own towers of death.
Also digitalx, welcome to the Kerbal community; And happy launchings.
Does this game work in SLI?
Can anyone confirm?
Any idea when we might we 0.24? Just got back into this but finding it a bit boring with remote-tech v2 which doesn't support 0.23.5 sadly.
its CPU limited for the most part so i doubt it makes much difference.
Experimental Testing will be starting soon; So release is followed closely after.
Have a read @ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com...e-We-re-Going-To-Talk-About-Spaceport-Edition
Can somebody recommend some good mods for this game please?
Yeah im playing at stock, all i have enabled is the deadly entry mod, some cosmetic mods would be nice though without changing too much.Sadly I am not the greatest with mods.
I prefare a totally Stock game; It makes testing the latest 0.24 QA Daily Builds, so much easier.
But I am a big fan of planes, so on that grounds I have played with B9 Aerospace Pack (Ver 4.0), on a 0.23.5 build.
But do check out the Space Port website; It's where Squad hosts all there mods. As the Dev's are big lovers of the modding community.
@ http://kerbalspaceport.com/
Perhaps others, will be able to recommend more specific mods, that are highly noteworthy.