I find Precise Node extremely helpful for fine tuning maneuver nodes. Kerbal alarm clock is also great at it will stop you from overshooting nodes when you're accelerating time at a high value.
made a plane to do all kerbins biomes. Ran out of fuel though and didn't get bad lands. Got the rest though.
10 goo and 10 science jr and a thermometer and pressure gauge. then crew reports. eva and ground samples. didn't get much science for it though. just under 200.
Jeb may have gone overboard on his latest prank, but I'm sure his boss will see the funny side when he discovers that the research building is completely blocked with the latest asteroid "sample"
So as always I try to follow up a release of the latest build, with some nice screen shots.
One of the best parts of been a QA tester, is having early access, but it leaves little time to play KSP with my own whacky career.
So finally finding some free time, the past week, I have been tampering with KSP mods in Sandbox, just getting it nice.
At this time I have the following mods installed (With the only intention of changing visuals and flight model, all Stock Parts.)
But I hope you enjoy the pictures (With more to follow.)
MODS Installed:
1. FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) - More realistic atmospheric flight model.
2. KER (Kerbal Engineer Redux) - Improved craft information.
3. DO (Distant Objects) - Improve Craft handling, displays crafts position (Doesn't load the craft) that are upto 750KM away from player.
4. EVE (Environmental Visual Enhancer) - Adds Clouds + City lights.
5. BA (Better Atmospheres) - Improves Clouds on Kerbin + Aurora Borealis + Clouds on other planets/satellites.
With them all together, KSP looks much better. But even on my PC. It gives it some serious work.
The days of looking at the skybox, to get better FPS is over, now I look away from the clouds for that. Still it looks great, with a few changes to be made in the future, like change the default Skybox to a more detailed one.
PICTURES: (2560x1600)
Main Menu!
Sun Setting Over The Space Centre.
SSTO - FALCON, During Take Off.
FALCON, in Orbit over Kerbin.
I hope you enjoy them. And Perhaps post several more your selves.
Now to delve onto Career Mode, where the rockets are going to be much more basic.
Miguel (Maxmaps):Oh, I also wrapped up a deal with Porkjet to add a modified version of Spaceplane Plus to the base game. This mod not only fits the aesthetic of the game perfectly but tackles parts that needed to be remade and did so in the best way possible.
While we generally focus on our own implementation of features and prefer to do things in-house (Benefits are large, for starters having full control over code/asset quality), Spaceplane Plus is so close to precisely what we wanted that you’ll practically see the whole mod ingame after a couple minor adjustments. Shoutout to Porkjet who has been an absolute pleasure to work with.
.25 looks amazing. Not that I'm playing atm. Kind of waiting now as I want to do a big game. so probably only play it to see what it's like and wait for a few more updates.
I really hope they start adding immersion stuff soon, obviously not in one update. But something along the lines of kethane, GPs satellites, remote tech mod, food/water/heat and science stuff like telescopes and you start of not knowing anything about the solar system.
And then latter on thought about how to make proper self sustaining colonies. Mining fuel and building green houses and launchpads and vabs.
And didn't they mention better research at some point. So once you unlocked each part you could do further testing and make them more reliable, more powerful, more fuel efficient, lighter etc. Depending how you wanted to play the game.
I really think in another few updates, they need to partner with spaceX to do a mars colonisation mission. Or maybe NASA bit that's not colonisation. but some cool features non the less could add rovers, skycranes and the horizontal Lander I forget it's name.
TO be honest I would prefer them just to work on the backend of things to make the game more stable when putting it under so much load. Feature wise, mods seem to do more, at a better quality and are updated much more frequently than official dev team game features.
Looking good. As above, I'd like to see more work on the underlying game engine etc to improve 64bit stability etc. so that we can have the mods and maintain stability and performance along with it.
Once that's done though, it'd be nice to see some of the big gameplay enhancing mods like remote tech made a part of the base game, or equal features.
I like the idea of starting off not knowing about the other planets etc and actually having to explore etc. it would really enhance the game. My main gripe with KSP at the moment is that aside from building crazy ships etc. the actually game is pretty lacking, especially when it comes to longevity.
I'm looking forward to the new spaceplane parts, especially a stock cargo bay. And destructible space centre buildings will add a new dimension to the standard launch profiles.
I don't find it unstable and always prefer their implementation of mods so far. Mainly as they can change the back end so the midst work properly.
In mods cargo bays are a right pain as you can't easily put anything in them. That looks like it will change with them incorporating it into the game and I'm sure 0.26 will make cargo bays even better.
However I suspect it's something I think you want to avoid doing in Career mode. (Big repair cost)
I'm not sold on the new policies stuff. Most of the recent updates have added stuff that I'm not all that interested in. My fantasy is for a couple of new planets, but it sounds like they've written that one off.
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