Kerbal Space Program

Good god, kerbals use up some oxygen.

Two tanks doesn't even get halfway to moon.

Got satelite deployed in Kerbit orbit, but has they change the degree heading for the min, it use to be 90 or 270 and you would be there, now that doesn't seem to work.

On Orion 6 to get that far. Maybe by 56 we might be getting somewhere. Computers struggling with the size of rocket though.
I never managed to find any consistent way of getting near the moon, usually would just burn straight up from earth until my max height was near the moon, then start burning at a horizontal to get into a loop, then play catch up with the moon!

Edit - Managed it on the first attempt! Moon was in the perfect spot, and the new visuals for orbits makes it huge amounts easier. Was a scruffy orbit and I was low on fuel so headed back for a safe landing.

Just got to the moon second time around, lot slower catch up with the moon this time, think I need to see if I can change the time of day I launch at so I can head up with the moon in a better spot to save a few days orbiting Kerbin catching it. Currently in a 20km orbit of the moon and gonna jump out of the game there - takes around 40 minutes per orbit. Approx 1275kg of fuel to get me back, with a slingshot it should be easy :D Just need to save a chunk of that for manoeuvres near the earth to attempt to land at Kerbal Space Centre and need some fuel for the jet engines to land cleanly. (doesn't glide too well currently)
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:( computer cant handle it, just need to big a rocket. is it cpu with physics, gpu or what?

managed to get up, deploy satellite in kerbal orbit, get to the moon before oxygen ran out. still with three stages left. one to get to minimus, one to land and one to get back to kerbal.
But adding any more tanks and stuff makes it totally unplayable, the flight to the mun was basically unplayable.
Btw if anyone wants to know an easy way to get Z02 and energy mod, installed together, download the dynamod files for energy. That will install energy parts including mechanical solar panels.Then go to the energy mod and download the parts files from there (for a Energy to Z02 converter).

What this means is u get working solar panels that produce energy that can be used for ion engines (deep space mod or the other parts of the energy plugin ship parts (but they look rubbish compared to the former)). Then you can attach a z02 converter and a main zo2 tank (think this has to be downloaded from the zo2 side if u go to the dynamod forum post he gives links to all the locations.

It's quite cool i now have a Ion engine ship above mun which gets oxygen and energy from sunlight and yet jeb and the gang will die most of the time if i don't put enough zo2 and battery storage on the ship :D. Quite fun landing on mun then realising that ur kerbals are going blue and dying overnight :D. dynamod link
This is a good website, showing what mods are about. If you go into a mod and click on website. It opens up the relevant thread on kerbalspaceprogram forum.

I've installed the autopilot mod.
Orion 8 has deployed a satelite in a ~100k orbit and still have a bit of fuel left from second stage. Also added zo2 solar panels, so see how that goes. It's still floating in orbit. But stopped for f1 quali. When I get back on, next stop is the mun.

Autopilot makes it so much easier to controll. Especially as ATM I've got less than 1fps.
Theres an autopilot mod?!! This changes everything! Might actually be able to make it to the moon now :p
Theres an autopilot mod?!! This changes everything! Might actually be able to make it to the moon now :p

Mun is easy should do it with out mod to begin with.
Go up, when out of thick atmosphere, bank over to 90 heading. get into orbit. Then fire up untill you crosses the muns path. warp, might need to do a few orbits, untill you get the yellow line. once captuptured by mun, rotate to the opposite way, fir up engine and decrese orbit till you get within the mun, then just a matter of trying to land.
just look for mechjeb, takes some playing with to get used to but its good

edit: and I agree with Glaucus, get to the Mun on vanilla, its more fun doing it with stock parts :)

Made a very minimalistic rocket to get to minimus, completely got wrong trajectory and now i am orbiting earth at the wrong angle chasing down the peice of rock. If my calculations are correct, should take me 8 days of just going around for it to catch up on me.
My orion after 1st sat launch, cant get it working so ended flight and just playing around with auto pilot. will try again tomorrow.


see what i mean by autopilot disappearing.
Seems like this has had some giant updates. I really need to get round to buying it!

a lot on mine is mods, autopilot, solar panels, batteries, oxygen tanks, satelites are all mods. but it has a fair bit of upgrades. EVA in next update.

thats weird, mines never done that!
I see there's a lot of different modules, is there a rendezvous module? thats seems to be the one which kills auto pilot.
yeah it might be, I've always just used the bolt on one that looks like a mobile phone.

stuck all off them on, so see what that does. if that fails, ill try just that one.

edit - didnt work, but found i had had version 1.8.2 and 1.6.4 is out, so downloading now.
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:( everytime i go into my flight, the autopilot panels disapeer. :( and i cant fly this thing at 1fps manually.

I haven't used the autopilot mod! MecJeb?
But could that be your problem, that its not working cus the ship is causing 1 fps!
The altimeter bug still is present, with 1fps messing with physicsX, so it may be breaking MecJeb too!
Just an idea!
Glaucus, you aren't using stock SAS at the sametime as mechjeb are you? That'll cause issues. I'd only use a single mechjeb module too ideally.

I can fly my space plane to the moon with no SAS or mechjeb, so smooth to fly in atmosphere. Got some satellites going up nicely now. Project for tomorrow is a moon base!
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