Kevin Space Invader

He only invited him to a party FFS! He didn't drop down to all fours and invite him to reacharound.

You clearly haven't even read the story

In an interview with BuzzFeed News, Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, Spacey befriended Rapp while they both performed on Broadway shows, invited Rapp over to his apartment for a party, and, at the end of the night, picked Rapp up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance. According to public records, Spacey was 26. Rapp was 14.
One of my favourite actors, but if this is all true, well he deserves what he gets.

To add, this nonce, rape, misogyny, perverts, dodgy dealings, peados etc etc etc is currently running rife across this country and in the USA, why now, it feels like we have just had a sudden onset of all these accusations across a wide range of industries and it seems like it is only the tip of the iceberg, i cant get my head around the amount of alleged wrong doing that is suddenly coming out\being reported.

Not really sudden, recent times there have been loads. Lets not forget Saville, Rolf Harris, countless other 80's "stars".
Although the devil is in the detail, I am not sure a drunken twenty year old hitting on a fourteen year old in what was a different era culturally is that significant, especially as this is just a claim and not proven to be true. If there's more recent examples, then we have issues! But I for one am a bit bored with the witch hunts where no evidence is provided and peoples careers are ruined.
Disgusting if true, I don't see why the guy would lie about it.

If it's a one off claim he'll be okay, but if more come forward his career is over.
Rumours have been circulating about Spacey for a while.

Turns out that I have a friend who refused to watch anything he was involved with at the old vic, because it was "well known" in the theatre community that he gets young men drunk/drugged. I didn't know that until we were discussing it earlier.

Bryan Singer is another one with a troubling past.
Also, what fame? Why would you want to be known as someone who's been sexually abused? What are you getting out of it exactly?
From publicly shaming and proving the guilt of someone whose estimated worth is over $100 million.... Yes, I wonder what he'll get out of it, and I bet his attorney does, too!!

I'd like to point out that the guy who's said this happened is already a fairly successful actor.
Doesn't look familiar and I've never even heard of him.

Although the devil is in the detail, I am not sure a drunken twenty year old hitting on a fourteen year old in what was a different era culturally is that significant, especially as this is just a claim and not proven to be true.
I've not looked into it in any great detail, but a number of States (and some places in Canada, it seems) did have the age of consent at 14 as recently as 1995 (and 2006 respectively). In others, it was 16 and if the kid looked old enough, who knows.
It does worry me somewhat that somebody can come out and says "You did this to me like 35 years ago, you were drunk so won't remember it, but it totes happened for reals" and the star just apologises despite having no memory of it. I get he doesn't want to look bad by fighting public opinion/etc, but won't it just encourage false claims/etc.
It does worry me somewhat that somebody can come out and says "You did this to me like 35 years ago, you were drunk so won't remember it, but it totes happened for reals" and the star just apologises despite having no memory of it. I get he doesn't want to look bad by fighting public opinion/etc, but won't it just encourage false claims/etc.

You chatted me up 35 years ago.

Now give me all your money.
Funny not reported to the police isn't it?

That'll be next. Once this whole hollywood sex thing is over, and the BBC, and westminster the next 'targets' will be police, then on to the NHS

We've had teachers and priests already. Depending on last weeks Navy thing that may well move outwards into the Army and RAF
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