And this is the crux of it. Explain to me why now, 35 years later, this is suddenly reported. Did he report it to the cops back then? Or to anyone? Why is he now reporting it all of a sudden? Why are so many people coming forward? I suspect that as it's become more acceptable to report these things since Saville and co, many of these people are smelling a quick buckand a spot of limelight to boost their career. No such thing as bad publicity anyway.
I dunno. Rape and sexual assault are extremely serious incidents which should have heavy sentences, no two ways about it, but I can't help but wonder why all of a sudden half of Hollywood are climbing out the woodwork after all these years. Especially given how much more acceptable a pat on the bum was back then, which would be considered assault now.
My spidey senses are tingling and my inner cynic is wanting to explode.