Kevin Space Invader

It's now known as LBGTNF

The new additions are non gender and fluid gender

I suspect that if this carries on, everyone will be referred to as an alphabet because they're adding all these terms all the time and removing defunct ones will bring forth the wrath of the fedora wearing SJW jeyboard warriors. Aka the professionally offended.
I wonder how many of these incidents are false memories. There's no doubt that some are true, some are lies and some are false memories but it's usually impossible to know which are which.

What is certain is that "me too" is a perfect driver for the creation of false memories.
And this is the crux of it. Explain to me why now, 35 years later, this is suddenly reported. Did he report it to the cops back then? Or to anyone? Why is he now reporting it all of a sudden? Why are so many people coming forward? I suspect that as it's become more acceptable to report these things since Saville and co, many of these people are smelling a quick buckand a spot of limelight to boost their career. No such thing as bad publicity anyway.

I dunno. Rape and sexual assault are extremely serious incidents which should have heavy sentences, no two ways about it, but I can't help but wonder why all of a sudden half of Hollywood are climbing out the woodwork after all these years. Especially given how much more acceptable a pat on the bum was back then, which would be considered assault now.

My spidey senses are tingling and my inner cynic is wanting to explode.

Well if you can't see the massive groundswell at the minute around the reporting of sexual harassment from people in positions of power then you must live under a rock.

It was blatantly obvious this was going to happen, it's because for years and years since God was a lad, it was pretty much a given that in the entertainment industry the "talent" could get away with murder (see Roman Polanski), now that such a high profile person has had the rug pulled from under him after years of probably thinking he was untouchable it has given other people the confidence to come out and speak about what has happened to them.

There isn't forced to be an underlying motive other than getting it off their chest and out in the open when for years they've probably thought it impossible to report it due to said person's influence. It's like when people get ripped off by a serial conman and nothing gets done, then years down the line the perpetrator is finally bought to book and loads of people come out the woodwork to get their kick in whilst he's down, nobody was interested at the time but now something has finally been done it's like a catharsis in getting it out of your system.

TL;DR - it needed a high profile case to stick (weinstein) before other people felt confident enough to finally report what happened to them, now the flood gates have opened and there will be loads of it.
Thought the thread was something to do with crisps


Ring Raiders?

I suspect that if this carries on, everyone will be referred to as an alphabet because they're adding all these terms all the time and removing defunct ones will bring forth the wrath of the fedora wearing SJW jeyboard warriors. Aka the professionally offended.

The alphabet bandits?
I am surprised Spacey handled it the way he did, surely the sensible (though morally bankrupt) way to do it was just say 'Wut? Never happened, I'm calling my lawyer' rather than saying 'dunno, might have, I was drunk, also gay'
I am surprised Spacey handled it the way he did, surely the sensible (though morally bankrupt) way to do it was just say 'Wut? Never happened, I'm calling my lawyer' rather than saying 'dunno, might have, I was drunk, also gay' this point I'm wondering if there's anyone in Hollywood who isn't a bit rapey or a rapee.
The whole "I'm gay" was a clear PR stunt to pull the limelight away from "maybe a he touched a teen".

Either way, this all seems to have become a bit of a witch hunt now. People should have spoken up when it happened. I've no real sympathies for someone who didn't have the bottle to address the issue 10-30 years ago.
So inviting someone to a party 30 years ago can now get you pilloried and defamed in the media? Best not make it public that I lost my virginity at 14 to my best mate's 20 year old Sister had I?

Didnt Keven Spacey lay on top of a 14 year boy and propositioned him (allegedly)?
People should have spoken up when it happened. I've no real sympathies for someone who didn't have the bottle to address the issue 10-30 years ago.

Well that's an interesting view to take. Do you want to add some qualifying statements at all to this because currently it includes situations where children were abused by adults in a position of power, in an era where the infallibility of adults was almost drilled into children.
So the accusation is that Spacey made a drunken move that no-one witnessed and only the victim remembers after 30 years, and suddenly it's career over. Seems harsh.

We live in very confusing times, I really wouldn't want to be a teenager with a hard on these days.
We have cocaine fuelled sailors on board one of our nuclear submarines whilst it is being loaded with nuclear weapons, and the top level crew busying themselves banging the female sailors, yet the media and authorities are more interested in some tale of Westminster MP's squeezing some researcher bint's back side, or whispering whiskey fumed nothings into her ear, some Yank homosexual actor accused by some unknown about an alleged bit of horseplay God knows how many years ago at a "party" and now Holyrood is joining Hollywood and becoming this weeks pseudo sexually outraged.

We now have our police force claiming to be at breaking point and unable to even respond to a burglary, mugging or robbery, yet they have literally hundreds of officers tied up chasing claims some long dead personality had a bit of excess testosterone, or spending 14 years and millions of taxpayer's money looking for the Mc.Cann child...

Priorities, priorities!!
I have an elderly friend who is a retired well known cartoonist and he did a cracker for the pub wall based on "It was on the good sub Venus"... No, I am not posting it here, it would outrage the pc brigade and possibly cause them to think of legal action ;)
I wonder how many of these incidents are false memories. There's no doubt that some are true, some are lies and some are false memories but it's usually impossible to know which are which.

What is certain is that "me too" is a perfect driver for the creation of false memories.

I think there is a LOT of bandwaggoning going on. As well as professional victims. Some of the claims being made against famous people are just ridiculous.

Why wait 3 decades and then come out with something which is impossible to prove?
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I think there are a lot of things going on at the moment:

1. Social media has become a platform for people to talk about issues that effect them, which i think is a good thing.

2. However this is a double edged sword as this has now become Trial by Social Media with no process or evidence necessary.

3. What constitutes sexual assault or 'harassment' seems to be being eroded to include any unwarranted verbal or physical contact between two people.

I'm not sure whether current events will lead to a cleansing of in-appropriate behavior in all walks of life or will society be swallowed up in tip toeing around anything that might potentially be 'harrasment'
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