Khat to be banned

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings

The CAT dances along.

CAT: Oooooowwww!!! Hey, I'm looking so good today! If I looked any
better, I'd be illegal!

He pulls out a megaphone.

CAT: Hello, hello! Testing, testing! One, one, one. Me, me, me!
Attention, all lady cats! I am feeling very, very sexy! Can you hear
me, lady cats?! My body is available! Please form a queue! No
squabbling! This is your lucky day!

23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Isn't part of the reason for the ban that this stuff can lead to increased rates of oral cancers.
Also when spat out it permanently stains whatever it lands on. Harder to remove than gum
29 Aug 2007
Grand Upright Piano

More so than alcohol?


Phenazeman (Benzo) looks at heroin and says, "Yeah, you might be tough but you don't make idiots do too much funny-stupid stuff."

Oh Jesus. I had exactly two beers with some eyeballed phenaz on Sunday night. All I remember is hanging out with my roommate, listening to music, and playing video games.

I don't remember this, but I woke up from my benzo sleep for a little while on Monday morning (8:30, according to my computer) and went on eBay. I used the Buy It Now option for an Apple 3GS 16GB unlocked/jailbroken iPhone for $700!! ****! It looks like I didn't pay for it, though (or maybe I tried to and didn't have enough in my account), so I'm going to try and get out of it.

iPhones are sorta cool and it makes sense that I'd want one, but I also placed a $50$100.00 bid on a Vose & Sons Antique Grand Upright Piano and only lost because it wasn't enough for the reserve. Yeah. I've never known how to play an instrument in my life, don't have room for a piano, and a million other reasons why that bid was a bad idea.

Apparently, after placing those bids, I went back to sleep for another 8 or 9 hours.

I really can't get over how supremely retarded all of this was. And the topper is that the phenaz afterglow lasts so long that I didn't realize any of this until 36 hours after it happened!

holy **** where to begin. I tried just a little and it was great. Slept most of the day. Few weeks later monday, i try a little more. I wake up tuesday night with a broken arm from crashing my motorcycle in a parking lot,, walk 30 miles the wrong direction home, in the middle of the night, Cop pulls me aside and wis wondering where I’m going (home No ID No money, no cellphone, but keys thankfully), I fail a sobriety test as it as 30 or so out raining and I was cold shivering so i think i got some leniancy. Thankfully he gave me a lift. Wakup wednesday to an email that said if I wasn’t in the hospital i was fired, and my fiances father called and said if I called her again he’d get a restraining order.

Now i find out that despite being in the hospital, I’m still fired. Learn from my lesson folks, you will loose the love of your life and despite being a week later have no idea why. Loose your job, and in a month or so your apartment. I have basically no where to go

I kook my first does friday and now it suddenly monday,I ‘m still too cross-eyed to write properly but never really had any positive effect during that time. Cant’ wait for this **** ti sbe to gone so I can juct get on wth wahat i’m doing.
Had a few fhours oa work and feel better. Very hard to forn any thoughtsm feel dizzy and crosseyed and very tried. I reality hope ll these clocks are correct.
Total zonbification.
Don’t think i’ll do again. Nasy Hangover at this amount.

[editorial note: at the time this was written, it was not Monday. Anywhere.]

MY short story:
100 mg from the guy with ac cool bottles.
Random acetoe that claims is 100% (looked good when mixed, local CVS said they couldn't order the pyrol blah blah without a prescriotion.

Mix it in a pretty botle and noting appears to be floating. Sp after mixing it again loking for flote3s with a baby syrange get about Sutff burns. Staying home the night so I get ~.4ml burns again.

Dunno why but it is 4 PM the next day, not sure all of last day, games tv what not. Well I dropped my laptop off my bed bed and broke the damamaged power connector. In a spictual mmoment I half assed it back to life. I go somewhere arwsome for food and get capsules fomr the health story. So after fuddling wwith the caps to to little degree (Fell out of chair nad had flour everythwerer) I decieded break my computer cord again. SO i do the dumbest thing of all and go met my friends at whooters, which isn't fair away. The problem is my roomate made goood food I was eating and driving and I had forgetting my glasses which help at night and get pulled over. He ask me where I live, wherer I am comforming from and if I have been drinking (think he asked that twice). I had turned my car off and was going to look for my papers when he said to be caeful and drove off. One slilver of chance might have been the non alochol reak, or record of no such actions, or that asian food is aerdsomr.

Home and safe, last day a litte hazzy but It my englighted time I fixed the cord slightly better and going to get on the capping wagon again. PS spelling sucks, also not including much dosage because mine has been not as accurate as one wou;d dsire

Be safe all.

[editorial note: Yes, this guy is drinking paint thinner/nail polish remover]

Khat is neither funny nor dangerous so as a spectator sport it's leaving me kind of cold. Leave it be.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Wow, really?

You mean it's not bad for your health with no links to Diabetes, Cancer (liver, bowel, breast, mouth, pharyngeal cancer, oesophageal cancer, laryngeal), Cirrosis of the liver, Depression, Psychosis and Suicide.

And it's not particularly addictive either, where the NHS estimates 9% of the male UK population have an alcohol dependence.

And that table of harm/dependence of various narcotics will have been statistically weighted.

No its not bad for your health in small quantities. And no its no particularly addictive cultural heavy drinking /= addictiveness.
5 Dec 2010
deep space nine
I just can't stand the way they commission reports then completely ignore the findings.

This is what I can't stand about our political system, as mentioned earlier in the thread - how about some evidence based policy for a change.


ACMD: Government - cannabis should remain class C.
Government: thanks for that AMCD - reclassed to class B because that'll win us votes.
2 May 2011
Well it ain't British so why we allowing it here. Looking at the heals risks with it as well that's our NHS money that's got to pay for them. Plus I only see foreign nationals using it. Ban it.

I was confused if this was to do with a member being banned

Not sure if serious....if so, what a load of ********.

And indeed, what a ridiculous law. Once again, the government want to stop people enjoying themselves. As stated above, why the hell would you pay someone to determine facts for you, and then ignore them completely. Tools.
14 Dec 2011
Alcohol has plenty of cancer implications - not saying that Khat doesn't but people are adults right ?

In the UK we're just subjects so we have a sort of limited adult status, I've heard of Khat never seen it but I still feel cheated that some numpties in London have the power and desire to stop me trying it out if I fancy, *******:confused::mad:
17 Sep 2010
Shock as another relatively harmless drug is made illegal while two of the most damaging continue to be legal and widely used (tobacco and alcohol)
Yeah it is funny how they seem to only ban plants that have healing properties towards serious conditions. Cannabis being the prime example.
Seems khat can be used to cure obesity :eek:
Plants have been used for thousands of years for many things, but since the introduction of western medicine, they are all deemed bad for us? :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
I'm really not bothered if they ban it I mean who wants to sit there chewing leaves like a cow for hours on end. What is the big deal anyway ?

The point is not as to whether you mind this one thing being banned, but whether you are at all bothered that anything gets banned for such an arbitrary reason.
1 Sep 2013
Yeah it is funny how they seem to only ban plants that have healing properties towards serious conditions. Cannabis being the prime example.
Seems khat can be used to cure obesity :eek:
Plants have been used for thousands of years for many things, but since the introduction of western medicine, they are all deemed bad for us? :rolleyes:

And how do you know it's harmless ? Which long term study are you basing your opinion on? Ethiopians who use khat are thin because they can't afford to eat, probably because they are downing their herd earned cash on this drug. The plants could be bringing all sorts of diseases / insects in with them that could damage our Eco system. I say ban it.

FYI cannabis is bad for your health so the argument it isn't is stupid



3 Oct 2003
I've chewed Khat in Ethiopia and Somalia and it being banned is ridiculous.

You have to chew about a fistful of leaves for a few hours to get an effect similar to an espresso. Gives a wicked headache too and is extremely bitter.

Only health affect I'm aware of is it savages peoples teeth if you don't have a decent brushing regime.

In Ethiopia at least it mostly seemed popular as a way of killing time on public transport, most people just drink beer for recreation. In Somaliland it was much more prolific with people chewing it all the time. The Government armed guide I had employed was on it non-stop..

Tried it with my uni m8, he said keep chewing it I tried chewing it for ages and could hardly feel anything.

Banning it is a joke.
22 Feb 2008
Sounds about right for Theresa May and the rest of her cronies: Listen to your appointed panel tell you not to force ahead a ban before further solid evidence is presented, and then do it anyway.
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