Deer op, i hope you read my last remark, it was one of witch you should have.
i came here at 14 thinking i knew enough, spent money on server grade components, 8 cores 2gb ram and a HD 4650 and a icute psu (actualy anyone who knows that i brought that it is actually very good, and still powering a gtx 280 in my mates rig)
anyway to cut to the point i was very happy for id spent about £310 and it ran games, but i couldn't install 64bit and it had lost of instability issues, when changing the cpu coolers i spilt i tiny bit of TIM (thermal interface material, as you probably dont know what it is) that was electrical conductive into the socket pins, broke the board.
so i sold the cpu's and brought a phenom zosma 970t, it was actually a golden chip, but i hadn't listend to advise on the board to get and got one with badly designed power phases, witch lead to smoke after 10mins of p95.
so i ignorantly thought the cpu had kicked it along with the board, got a replacement board and sent the cpu back for testing. and then comes the annoying bit, the cpu that could do 4ghz on 6 cores on air that required stock voltage for this, never found its way back to me, i would still run it as my main rig if i wasn't so ignorant and had listened to these people.
so there we have it, i was stuck with a am3 board and all the rest of it, but no cpu lol, cause i didn't listen, and that am3 board i got s a replacement was bricked as well but by the time i had a cpu to test it, it had ran out of warranty.
hence im now finnaly on a good system with an i5 2310 (did not listen to advice and get the 2500k as it was double the price and i couldn't afford it, so i think thats fair.)
But the message im trying to put across is when i joined these forums i was just like you, very ignorant, always thought i was right, had allot of money constraints, (seems like you just love throwing money at a brick wall my friend) and was constantly wrong, with money your spending on your rig, you don't wanna have to try three times to get it right. and with a component list like that i would like to ask your experience building rigs.
now i suggest you listen to this one piece of advise, and look at the spec me's ive done to suit your needs, this is because hopefully you are still within the period of time you can send purchases back for a refund. as you can get a much better value for money rig by just listening.
So for less money you could still have your flashy blue ray drive, a case that features less ugly, a mechanical hard drive with a ssdcache (lots of data and quick speeds), a higher end newer gen gpu, a i7 2600k, less to cool it, (i don't go past 45 degrease on my nero s on my i5, i should Imagen you could easily get 4.6ghz or more on that cooler) a smaller board with lots of features and looks awesome, and farmost it would be more compact and subtle, rather than screaming i have a cool pc (personally i don't like the hafx looks, i find it too rugged, and sort of boy racer-ish lol)
the fractual core 100 is awesome and can fit all the hardware, and it means you have no extra effort of buying braided cables as it doesnt have a window, so your rig will looks respectable without spending more dough
Right no:2
Yeah, that's right, this system is 2600k gtx 680 money, again, it also has better storage, you can use ssd boot drive or cahce it, you loos a blue ray drive witch is pointless anyway, again cooling is sufficient, the case is smaller, so is the board, its more compact and teh psu can take 2 gtx 680's, henceforth a far better option.
And finnaly
an idea that might last you five years
gtx 680
+ 2600k
+ ridiculasly expensive dvd drive
+ mechanical hard drive
so bsicly allot of perks over your spec
for an extra £150
if not let us know when you need to upgrade your kick ass pc
so we can all laugh at you for being a total ignorant fool
sorry if i have seemed insulting, i myself often feel hated on this forums but i mean come on! if you title a project with a title like that, your ridicules spec that is not functional nor awesome or high end, and will not be able to cope with high res gaming for long.
anyone notify me if there's anything wrong with my specs
there may be sumink missing, i need more COFFEE!
thanks for that link on his video
not to be insulting , you sound like ali g mixed with a german, you expect people to give you money because your stereotyping them, and i know a drug user when i see one, trust me, i have been living with them all my life....
hoping not to go on a trip or holiday anywere for this post
yours sincerely