How do you find the dialogues? From what i've seen and i know its still only in beta but its horribly messy, lipsynching and weird stilted animations. On the one hand the graphics look very impressive in static screen but when i see them in videos....hrmm.
This looks amazing!
Backed from the start but not actually tried it yet (not enough time). Its looking good though
Wonder if there would be a VR version.....
Is the voice acting still truly awful?
Apart from that the world they're building looks terrific.
Gives me the same feeling that Oblivion did back in the day! Even the font reminds me of it.
Shame about the controller keys.....
I love the facial animations and overall world detail, sometimes it almost looks real! A mindblowing amount of effort must have gone into this, and I can only expect that my video card will be brought to its knees.
Bit surprised this hasn't generated more interest from a greater number of people on here.