Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

They don't just sit there waiting for you night and day. They have their own 'paths' so are only there when they're there. Try peak day hours for them.
Im talking about quest ones, 'go and see so and so at the mill' in this yellow area, its a confirmed bug.
There are three others I and many others on the forums have had issues with.
Awesome, that fog makes a huge difference. Not sure why it's not enabled in the first place? If anything, it adds depth to distance.

Edit: This is for comparison, I hated the over bloom look without it.


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I'm still not getting great FPS on mine, but I have stuck everything on max. Still it's not a twitch FPS so it's not that important, but it would be nice to get at least 60fps (without forking out for a new GPU). Any performance tweaks for Nvidia (especially SLI) users I should try?
Managed the first fist fight to get the tools on my third attempt. The opponent auto clasp is irritating, it's never clear as to the distance they can trigger it.
I prefer the graphics without volumetric fog. It just looks washed out to me - much prefer the vibrancy with it off.

Yeah I agree. one thing that's missing for me is great sunsets / dawn. Witcher3 had beautiful sunsets. Maybe the realism factor coming into play.

Anyway got me horse which is good coz it's hard lugging deer around without one. I'm finding defending against 2+ melee tricky because feels clumsy switching and locking on. Makes it harder than it cud be. A quick double tap on the stick could have been used to switch targets instead of holding down b then running away a bit to RE engage....just feels clunky.

If you are locked onto 1 can you block hits from another if u see it coming and angle your parry correctly??
I'm still not getting great FPS on mine, but I have stuck everything on max. Still it's not a twitch FPS so it's not that important, but it would be nice to get at least 60fps (without forking out for a new GPU). Any performance tweaks for Nvidia (especially SLI) users I should try?
Managed the first fist fight to get the tools on my third attempt. The opponent auto clasp is irritating, it's never clear as to the distance they can trigger it.

things like the auto grasping thing will improve mate as you level up your skills. Take a peek at the perk system.

mGPU is dead mate, get rid of it, best thing I ever did was chinning off mine. You could try the Crysis 3 profile as I've heard that does somewhat scale.
Personally id pay 60 quid for it, but this is my kind of game. If you like a massive open world, an incredible engaging story (at least so far it is) a really good lead character, fantastic combat, non linnear quests, no hand holding, a dynamic levelling up system, mini games, insanely good visuals and the feeling of learning and being rewarded.....then hell yes.

Its turning into one of my greatest games of all time.

One of the best games I've played in a while but only a few hours progressed due to the bugs. Having said that I'm enjoying it not being easy and not being instant. Such a nice change from todays mini-map/quest orientated games.

The fast travel system is a reasonable compromise too imho.
things like the auto grasping thing will improve mate as you level up your skills. Take a peek at the perk system.

mGPU is dead mate, get rid of it, best thing I ever did was chinning off mine. You could try the Crysis 3 profile as I've heard that does somewhat scale.

mGPU may well be pretty much dead, but I've no budget for an upgrade at the moment (especially with the crazy prices recently).
Anyone playing this on a gamepad? I would normally play this type of game on mouse and keyboard, but I think the difference to combat and ability to change movement speed in analogue makes the pad more attractive to use. I do llike going for a slow stroll and just panning the camera around. :)
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