Kingston SSD Deal. Very sweet!!


If faster means less numbers then your on to a winner! Tested your theory, flawed does not even begin to describe the results.

Dude, there is no need to be rude. I dont see you slating the people who say go for the Samsung or Crucial M4......

FYI: Results below. I think higher numbers mean faster? Sure ATTO is the ONLY result the v+200 wins out on.

THIS IS a good deal for people that want to order it. I doubt ANY casual user will notice the difference between the M4 & this. Based on all the problems the sandforce controller has and the in-consistent speed, I was merely pointing out the regular V200 at £59 IMO is a better buy.

Unless you sit there benching ATTO all day and then fill ur boots on the v+200 :D


v200 - 285.34 / 222.27 / 20.01 / 62.51


v+200 - 204.46 / 142.68 / 18.53 / 56.76

CrystalDiskMark 3.0.1

v200 - 288.0 / 215.6 / 21.98 / 73.98


v+200 - 208.9 / 149.6 / 28.06 - 72.81


v200 - 299.59 / 225.58


v+200 - 551.58 / 514.98

PCMark 7 Professional

v200 - 4,878 / 42.64 / 23.66 / 15.68 / 22.24


v+200 - 4,968 / 40.88 / 28.09 / 15.78 / 21.78


v200 - File Transfer - 5GB - 57.88 & 53.18


v+200 - File Transfer 5GB - 74.54 & 70.34

As I said before I MUCH prefer ordering from overclockers, I have just purchased 2 systems in the last 3 months both based on the i5 ivy, asrock Z77 & 16gb ram.

I also know staff members and LOVE the service provided by OCUK.

My point was based on the controller being sandforce the jmicron controller on the v200 is better, consistent performance.

I would also like to point out that this is the only bench mark comparison I could find between the two. All other bench marks bother real world and synthetic show nigh on identical results to these. And I looked at 4-5 review sites before purchasing.
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