Kingston SSD Deal. Very sweet!!

No I don't, it would be right next to each other.
Just a cheap cable....

They arn't SATA III 6Gbp/s are they? which is the one you need get the most performance from the SSD's.

Buy a 20cm cable i wish o.c would get 20cm cables in asked but fell on death ears
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Oh...I was under the impression you had to get a 6gbps cable to get the full speed....
Thanks :o

Looks like I'll get the Akasa one(when I eventually get a SSD), 15cm should be fine, the motherboard slot is like...right next to where my SSD would be mounted.
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Very true, just found that one aswell ! Im sure OCUK would get a far better reception if they reduced theirs in line with these deals aswell....

The rebuy is more than they are selling for. If they want to effectively sell below cost then let them. When they buy new stocks they wont be able to do deals and we will. It all boils down to intelligent buying and selling which in some cases they fail at miserably.
The rebuy is more than they are selling for. If they want to effectively sell below cost then let them. When they buy new stocks they wont be able to do deals and we will. It all boils down to intelligent buying and selling which in some cases they fail at miserably.

Well they may be buying at a lower cost due to bigger size order maybe.... I highly doubt they could sell for under cost price tbh :/
Oh just found a old sata cable in the corner of my old pc (ribbon cables etc) and a Molex to SATA Power Adapter I didn't even know I had...
I'm guessing I can just use this sata cable and it will be perfectly fine for a SSD? I'm pretty sure its one of the old sata 1 cables...the pc is very old...
Well they may be buying at a lower cost due to bigger size order maybe.... I highly doubt they could sell for under cost price tbh :/

To be honest it does my business a competitor was selling an item cheaper than we could buy it for so I kicked off big time with the supplier thinking this other company were getting better discounts etc and after a few arguments he showed me an invoice and they were paying exactly what we were !! . I think in a lot of cases they treat it as a loss leader and hope people will then add other products to the order (ones they make a profit on) or stay a repeat customer.
To be honest it does my business a competitor was selling an item cheaper than we could buy it for so I kicked off big time with the supplier thinking this other company were getting better discounts etc and after a few arguments he showed me an invoice and they were paying exactly what we were !! . I think in a lot of cases they treat it as a loss leader and hope people will then add other products to the order (ones they make a profit on) or stay a repeat customer.

Precisely right! :)
I'm guessing I can just use this sata cable and it will be perfectly fine for a SSD? I'm pretty sure its one of the old sata 1 cables...the pc is very old...

Give it a try.

It'll work but if it doesn't work at the full speed for some reason you can just get another cable and swap over.
Who cares if company's are making a loss on products to get your custom, it's a win - win for us customers.
So this should be delivered tomorrow. does anyone know if the firmware would need updating before I do a fresh install of Win 7? Moving from a standard HD, so any other things to do apart from possible firmware before unplugging the old HD and starting with this? What about Windows activation, does the existing copy need deactivating? Cheers.
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