Kingston SSD Deal. Very sweet!!

So this should be delivered tomorrow. does anyone know if the firmware would need updating before I do a fresh install of Win 7? Moving from a standard HD, so any other things to do apart from possible firmware before unplugging the old HD and starting with this? What about Windows activation, does the existing copy need deactivating? Cheers.

If doing a fresh install, windows needs reactivating and takes seconds, as for firmware you will have to check if the update is destructive or not, before you go and install windows on it.
Who cares if company's are making a loss on products to get your custom, it's a win - win for us customers.

Well said my money goes to who ever is cheapest at the time.

On the 15th i will be buying the samsung 830 256gig at the lowest price possible.
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Keep looking at ssd's but can't quite make my mind up, also I keep reading about issues with the sandforce controller.

The deal is tempting though.....
I've just bought one of these for my ageing 2009 MacBook. It's my first SSD and I'm hoping it will be a big performance increase over my 5400rpm HDD.

Thanks for the great deal OCUK!
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