I've never really been into cooking but have a lot of free time on my hands at the mo so am going to take the time to prepare some proper meals. However my single cheap 'sharp' knife is terrible and a pita to use so I want to invest in something decent. I've had a look over this thread so have decided to steer away from a set and just get a decent chef's knife followed by others as needed. Again looking through the thread Victorinox seem well received so would this be a good first 'proper' knife?
Any help appreciated, cheers.
I've never really been into cooking but have a lot of free time on my hands at the mo so am going to take the time to prepare some proper meals. However my single cheap 'sharp' knife is terrible and a pita to use so I want to invest in something decent. I've had a look over this thread so have decided to steer away from a set and just get a decent chef's knife followed by others as needed. Again looking through the thread Victorinox seem well received so would this be a good first 'proper' knife?
Any help appreciated, cheers.