Know any Weeaboos?

Because she looks young, I suppose.

People say she's 14 pretending to be 21, I think it's the other way round. She obviously an ugly, white trashy girl from America who wants to be something she isn't and this is her way of doing it.

I don't see what the big deal is. I agree she's wierd but I think you're over reacting.
Actually, those terms have been diluted and slowly going out of use due to abuse by westerners who don't really understand their real use and meaning. It's pretty ironic.

And what makes you think that? I watch Japanese TV all the time (NOT anime - it's more music shows/drama/comedys/movies etc), and chan/san etc are very commonly used. I certainly see no evidence of them "going out of use".

I'm there in July, so I'll see for myself anyway.
How silly. Looks like she's got a tash, and I'd like to poke her in her over opened eyes with a sharpened stick.

Ooo, feels better venting that.
What's wrong with that?

I'm sorry, I just see that as worse than watching anime...but then it depends on how much TV you watch and how much anime you watch I guess.

If you watch it a lot then that (to me at least) points you toward being a weeaboo. Same with anime, my house mate watches it constantly, and thinks everything of Japan, and she is really a stereotypical weeaboo...exactly as you described earlier.

I watch anime as it's something fun and different, but for TV shows (with real people, speaking their own language) all I watch is western stuff. :)

tekishies(sp?) castle is awesome:p

So is human tetris :D

He said music channels, proper TV etc. ...

There is no way that watching modern pop-culture shows - like the kind of thing you get on T4 in this country is worse than being obsessed with cartoons. And I didn't mean music channels, I meant music shows - think along the lines of buzzcocks/pop-world talkshow type stuff.

At least these people are REAL. :p
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At least these people are REAL. :p

As I said, personally I watch it as something different, like a cartoon basically. My friend however doesn't seem to, she just watches it constantly. Still think it's a bit sad watching Jap 'normal' TV though. :p

And I don't watch any UK, it's all naff, US TV for me. :)

People complain about the way they act, but most of these kids are perfectly OK once you've shot them in the eye a few times.

Nothing sad about it at all. What is a bit sad is how it seems to offend so many people on here enough to a) start a thread about it to **** her off and b) spend the time replying to said thread to slate the girl off.

It's probably just an interest of hers, much like a lot of people on here have interests that I would expect would be looked at strangely from people not in the know.
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