Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

Look at the major mass shooting events and tell me what colour and sex the vast majority of the perpetrators were.

. According to most analyses and studies, the proportion of mass shooters in the United States who are white is slightly less than the proportion of white people in the general population of the US, however, the proportion of male mass shooters is considerably greater than the proportion of males in the population.[45] According to the Associated Press, white men comprise nearly 50 percent of all mass shooters in the US.[46] According to the Center for Inquiry, mass shootings of family members (the most common) are usually carried out by White, middle-aged men. Felony mass shootings (connected with a previous crime) tend to be committed by young Black or Hispanic males with extensive criminal records, typically against persons of the same ethnic group. Public mass shootings of persons unrelated to the shooter, and for a reason not connected with a previous crime (the rarest but most publicized) are committed by men whose racial distribution closely matches that of the nation as a whole. Other than gender, the demographic profiles of public mass shooters are too varied to draw firm conclusions.[47/QUOTE]

Which ones are we talking about?
Look at the major mass shooting events and tell me what colour and sex the vast majority of the perpetrators were.

From a source quoted on the wiki:

"The question of the “typical mass shooter profile” is a red herring. As simplistic and satisfying as it would be, no single demographic emerges from the data as “the typical mass shooter.” It depends on what type of mass shooting you’re looking at, but in any event, focusing on the race or gender of mass shooters is not helpful for the general public; it is not predictive of who is likely to engage in gun violence. Singling out any specific race as being dangerous—or, worse yet, highlighting rare anecdotal violent incidents as representative of larger groups—is more likely to fuel racism than help the public. Unless you’re a criminologist or social scientist aggregating data, it doesn’t really tell you anything useful. It doesn’t help you decide who to watch out for and who to avoid. The percentage of mass shooters in any demographic is vanishingly small, and the chances of being killed in a mass shooting is even smaller."

Mass shootings are a poor representation of gun violence.
Not only that, total yearly deaths from gun violence make mass shootings look like a drop in the ocean.

What mass shootings are good for, is selling papers and generating clicks. This is one of the reasons why they receive so much coverage.

If I really wanted to draw a conclusion from the mass shootings evidence (provided by a media outlet on the wiki) I could say "white males are most likely to be involved in mass shootings."
I could also just as easily determine that "white males are simply better shots than others, because they are most likely to hit 4 or more targets vs a different demographic."

(Mass shootings are 4 or more deaths to gun violence).

Both are technically correct. Both suit a specific agenda. Neither is helpful or representative of the actual situation regarding gun violence in the United States.

They are crimes, gang related etc, not random mass shootings for the sake of just killing people such as a school shooting or as a political statement however twisted it might be. No one is arguing that gun violence isn't a problem in certain cities and in certain black communities.
Not just a tattoo though, saying "14 words" etc.. is more specific than a generic symbol used all around the world.

But that's just adding to my point - it's so specific and doesn't have many other uses to the point where it doesn't really have any relevance in other contexts aside from this one (which you'd need to know about), whereas the OK symbol is ubiquitous.

IF you're aware of this other possible use of an OK symbol you still can't necessarily draw an inference from its use as easily whereas if you're aware of this 14/88 thing then it is far easier to do so - it's way more specific, doesn't have some alternative widespread use.

Sure, 1488 or saying "14 words" would fit what you're saying.

But as I stated earlier, the numbers 14 and 88 don't have to be used next to each other by WS/Neo Nazis to still hold significance to them.
They are crimes, gang related etc, not random mass shootings for the sake of just killing people such as a school shooting or as a political statement however twisted it might be. No one is arguing that gun violence isn't a problem in certain cities and in certain black communities.

So you've gone from major to random mass shootings.

Over 1,000 victims, 126 dead, just 2 convictions: 6 years of mass shootings in Chicago.
Blacks killing blacks and killing young children.
Well if a mass shooting includes a hood drive by where a few Ese's or Homeboyz or Dawgs die its obviously gonna be swayed.

also Chicago sucks

The crying shame is that it shouldn't suck it's the birthplace of arguably modern music in the west and the first city in the world to build a Skyscraper, Lake Michigan is also beautiful in winter although bloody cold. Downtown Chicago is quite safe it does have its very high crime rate districts and Its black-on-black crime is a travesty but actually believe it or not escalated under Obama's tenure and I don't want even to imagine what it is like now.

It's very much sad to see considering the black community brought so much prosperity to the city. You would think it should be one of the best cities to live as an African American, sadly it's probably up there with Baltimore and or Detroit as one of the worst.
They are crimes, gang related etc, not random mass shootings for the sake of just killing people such as a school shooting or as a political statement however twisted it might be. No one is arguing that gun violence isn't a problem in certain cities and in certain black communities.
Ah ok, all the non-white ones don't count.
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They are crimes, gang related etc, not random mass shootings for the sake of just killing people such as a school shooting or as a political statement however twisted it might be. No one is arguing that gun violence isn't a problem in certain cities and in certain black communities.

You're pretty clueless just fyi, black people get randomly shot walking down the street by dudes in cars, being shot randomly is a real thing
Sure, 1488 or saying "14 words" would fit what you're saying.

But as I stated earlier, the numbers 14 and 88 don't have to be used next to each other by WS/Neo Nazis to still hold significance to them.

Sure and that wasn't the original point I was making which was about 14 88 together etc.. they're still rather more specific alone though. Even alone I'd argue it requires rather less context for them to be dodgy too.
TYT are really going to town right now on their live episode about this.

I don't like taking sides but they do make some valid points.
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