Probably because it's the same arguments being repeated for dozens of pages?
Better close Speakers Corner permanently then if that is your reasoning.
Probably because it's the same arguments being repeated for dozens of pages?
Probably because it's the same arguments being repeated for dozens of pages?
I've watched them interviews hes being doing, one with Tucker Carlson??? Anyway... God hes been reprogrammed as a robot the way he talks. Maybe he was always like that anyway?
Everyday we are watching America self implode. Our gcse geography teacher said this would happen back in the 90s... Mr Nye if you read this... Sir id like to buy you a pint.
No one else will sell their arse to all the big corporations to be president!Doesn't really matter what reality is when nearly every scrap of news coming out to the world is Anti American.
There's been a change of people looking to the US for inspiration to look at it as a cess pool of stupidity.
Unfortunately, electing people like Trump takes a huge toll on your credibility. I don't even mind the guy... But he consistently makes/made a fool of himself on the worlds stage. I'm sure he will get it again.
Then the best the US can do is Biden. Its as comically bad as Swedish politics but at least this country is irrelevant.
The same cliches work for every city, every country, every people. It still fools most of the people most of the time and thats all that matters.
People are still replying, so why not? Actually, don't bother answering that, it's obvious.Is there any need to keep this open anymore?
[..] I’ve visited 18-20 of the Lower 48, and spent varying amounts of time in them, from a couple of days up to a couple of weeks, I don’t recall ever feeling unsafe, or worried for my life, yet if you believe some of these posters, I’m lucky I’m not in Boot Hill, Arizona.
Even the notorious "Wild West" towns weren't anywhere near as dangerous in reality as they are in the stories. The gunfight at the OK Corral was news. Weeks and weeks of nobody getting shot in Tombstone was not news.
As far as I can tell, the USA's rather high homicide rate is mostly down to a few densely populated areas having an extremely high homicide rate. Which would mean that most of the USA has a pretty low homicide rate. Which matches the impression I've got from talking with people who live there.
Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are organizing a rally this week
Yup.Even the notorious "Wild West" towns weren't anywhere near as dangerous in reality as they are in the stories. The gunfight at the OK Corral was news. Weeks and weeks of nobody getting shot in Tombstone was not news.
As far as I can tell, the USA's rather high homicide rate is mostly down to a few densely populated areas having an extremely high homicide rate. Which would mean that most of the USA has a pretty low homicide rate. Which matches the impression I've got from talking with people who live there.
Most of the "wild west" towns from my understanding had fairly strict gun restrictions inside the town limits (basically only the sheriff and deputies could carry), with things like visitors being required to hand their guns over at either the sheriff's office or the hotel/bar for safe keeping and residents only allowed to carry if they were heading either into or out of the town limits.
The worst places were often the "company" towns that didn't have these practices and were widely known to be unsafe.
Which makes the whole idea of "we want it like it was in the good old days" rather silly when the gun control laws that keep getting shot down, and give the Republican/NRA types conniptions are far looser than what was the norm in Texas and other states back in the days of the wild west.
The people that lived back in those days seem to have understood something the current 2A fanatics don't, that unlimited access to guns in built up areas is not conducive to safety, especially when any yahoo can have one.
Talking rubbish again.
But thank for the laugh. [..]
How do you explain the extant original records of fairly strict gun control laws in some "wild west" towns? It was less than 200 years ago. Some records survive. Even a couple of photographs, although I would argue that those are too recent. Late 19th century was a significantly different time to early and mid 19th century in this context. But we have some extant original records of local laws and of court records relating to gun control laws in the USA from the "wild west" time/place.
I think Werewolf is over-stating the case, but they're obviously not "talking rubbish". For example, we know for an absolute certainty that carrying a gun in Dodge City was officially illegal at least by 1879 and very likely for some years before then.
Which begs the question of why I think Werewolf is over-stating the case:
1) A lot of the evidence of gun control laws comes from later in the 19th century, effectively after the "wild west" period.
2) There is also a lot of evidence that the gun control laws in the USA prior to the 20th century were very selectively enforced (or not enforced at all for "white" people who weren't slaves or serfs). For example, there's surviving news coverage of a gunfight in a pub (The Long Branch Saloon) in Dodge City in 1879. Both people were carrying a gun. Carrying a gun in a bar (or anywhere else other than your own home) in Dodge City was illegal at that time. The killer was acquitted on grounds of self defence. There's no mention at all of any question of anyone even considering enforcing the law against carrying a gun. Many people in Dodge City in those days carried a gun. It was illegal but that didn't mean the law would be enforced. Especially if you were powerful enough in the town or you worked for someone who was.
3) A more minor point is that as far as I can tell there isn't enough reliable and easily found evidence to say most "wild west" towns had fairly strict gun restrictions inside the town limits back in the "wild west" days. Some did. But most? And during the "wild west" period? is a decent article on the subject by someone opposed to gun control. Someone who was told about life in Dodge City in the 1870s by someone who lived in Dodge City in the 1870s. It wasn't that long ago.
But definitely not "talking rubbish". Localised gun control laws existed in some towns in the "wild west". Nor was it a new idea. Far from it. There are extant medieval references to localised weapon control laws, for example. Like the later "wild west" laws, they outlawed the carrying of weapons in public places inside that particular town's limits.
What a waste of 3 lives. The motorcycle rider will never get over killing her and her unborn child. This is why you don’t give guns to just anyone. If she didn’t have access to that gun she’d still be alive and that guys life wouldn’t be ruined by what he’d done, even though he was just defending himself.
What a waste of 3 lives. The motorcycle rider will never get over killing her and her unborn child. This is why you don’t give guns to just anyone. If she didn’t have access to that gun she’d still be alive and that guys life wouldn’t be ruined by what he’d done, even though he was just defending himself.
Talking rubbish again.
But thank for the laugh.
But you forgot to mention that the democrat run city of Philadelphia have had 500+ killings this year.