Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

No i wasn't. I was saying that Kyle had already pointed his weapon at Rosenbaum at least once (as its in the video) before Rosenbaum got close to him/reached for his weapon when Kyle turned a second time (and then shot him)

As an unqualified comment:

As suspected, in the first killing and the third shooting/injury, Kyle points his gun at them first.

Seems to be trying to lead the narration in a specific, incorrect, direction unless I'm missing something, otherwise a bit of an odd comment to make on its own. It was only when pulled up on it you started to qualify it in post 887.
Seems to be trying to lead the narration in a specific, incorrect, direction unless I'm missing something, otherwise a bit of an odd comment to make on its own. It was only when pulled up on it you started to qualify it in post 887.

Not really. I was making the point that before the final approach/action these people made before they got shot, they were already threatened by Kyle by having his weapon pointed at them.

I realise that as far as we know/are told Rosenbaum instigated the initial confrontation and started chasing him (that's Kyles story at least). We don't know whether Rosenbaum did indeed have weapons pointed at him or not really. Witness accounts of him saying " do not point ***** guns at me" don't prove that guns were actually pointed at him so he may have just made it up.

He did certainly have the rifle pointed at him before he lunged for it though (twice technically from the footage)
Have to say I'm surprised a lot of what the prosecutor was pushing was allowed to stand, endless amount of speculation ringed as fact as well as several other very dubious techniques which could have resulted in a miscarriage of justice regardless of the wrongs or rights involved in this case.

EDIT: Personally not on Rittenhouse's side here it is questionable why he put himself in that position in the first place and IMO the first incident was a case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes on both sides. The subsequent shootings seem, probably, to be more of a tragedy of unfortunate circumstances with self-defence an appropriate argument on both sides without ever knowing the true intent of those involved.
Have to say I'm surprised a lot of what the prosecutor was pushing was allowed to stand, endless amount of speculation ringed as fact as well as several other very dubious techniques which could have resulted in a miscarriage of justice regardless of the wrongs or rights involved in this case.

EDIT: Personally not on Rittenhouse's side here it is questionable why he put himself in that position in the first place and IMO the first incident was a case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes on both sides. The subsequent shootings seem, probably, to be more of a tragedy of unfortunate circumstances with self-defence an appropriate argument on both sides without ever knowing the true intent of those involved.
Yep. Feels like a bunch of kids LARPing and one was more keen to call their bluff than the other(s).
EDIT: Personally not on Rittenhouse's side here it is questionable why he put himself in that position in the first place and IMO the first incident was a case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes on both sides. The subsequent shootings seem, probably, to be more of a tragedy of unfortunate circumstances with self-defence an appropriate argument on both sides without ever knowing the true intent of those involved.

This is ultimately similar to how i feel. I do understand the self defense angle BUT I think he was reckless in the use of his weapon and his a lot of his actions were questionable (ie i think there were much better ways he could have reacted in many instances and was far too trigger happy). No one else shot at him and no one else (as far as i know) killed anyone with a gun that night in that area/during the related violence that night. Only Kyle.

As you have stated, after the first shooting it is very difficult to ascertain who is in the right when it comes to self defense/perceived threats. It seemingly just became a mess.

It was all tragic and avoidable (by all parties involved), that is for sure.
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a lot of his actions were questionable (ie i think there were much better ways he could have reacted in many instances and was far too trigger happy). No one else shot at him and no one else (as far as i know) killed anyone with a gun that night in that area/during the related violence that night. Only Kyle.

Maybe leading up to them but once he was surprised by the other guy with a gun and chased by Rosenbaum then he's a bit stuck for options, I'd not want to let Rosenbaum take my rifle either.

Likewise with the third incident he quite plausible nearly did get shot - the guy did aim his gun at him before Kyle shot him, Kyle had lowered his gun, only shot him when he felt he had to.

Add in that all these people were chasing him and he was fleeing (the third guy even knew he was fleeing towards the police as he'd just told him that in an encounter further back down the road).

It was all tragic and unavoidable (by all parties involved), that is for sure.

I'd disagree with that, it certainly wasn't unavoidable - Kyle got cut off, found himself alone - that was avoidable on his part. The three people shot all chose to chase him down and/or attack him, that was all avoidable.
Kyle got cut off, found himself alone - that was avoidable on his part.

I'm still unsure how he ended up wandering around amongst an unfriendly crowd alone - there seems to be a missing chunk there somewhere or I'm missing it. It seems either spectacularly naive or intentionally going out looking for trouble.
I'd disagree with that, it certainly wasn't unavoidable - Kyle got cut off, found himself alone - that was avoidable on his part. The three people shot all chose to chase him down and/or attack him, that was all avoidable.

Sorry , i meant avoidable!
I'm still unsure how he ended up wandering around amongst an unfriendly crowd alone - there seems to be a missing chunk there somewhere or I'm missing it. It seems either spectacularly naive or intentionally going out looking for trouble.

It seems to have stemmed from him putting out at rioters fire in a dumpster or being mistaken for someone who did, then attacked for it.
I'm still unsure how he ended up wandering around amongst an unfriendly crowd alone - there seems to be a missing chunk there somewhere or I'm missing it. It seems either spectacularly naive or intentionally going out looking for trouble.

Likewise, I find this strange. His reaction to the first shooting was really odd. Phoned a friend, then there are videos of him just wondering through a crowd (with what looked like other militia like people such as himself) - the video where he incorrectly claims Rosenbaum had a gun when someone asks him about the shooting. i think i recall them saying in the trial earlier that he did actually find a friendly and spoke with them for a bit.

Not really quite clear on why he didn't just stick with some people at that point (if he did find someone). Or even perhaps he could have shown some sort of surrender - hands up, gun behind back, try to calm the situation, say loudly to those around that he acted in self defense . Instead the video just shows him running about still holding his rifle.

I realise people will just say that he needed to keep hold of his firearm in a ready position for self defense, but as has played out, this likely only made things 100 times worse.

I guess a reaction like this is the perfect example of why such a young and inexperienced kid should not have been anywhere near a situation like this.
Not surrender as such, but act in such a way/at least try to diffuse tenions.

You will probably find that most of them will have been like dogs chasing cars.

Except they are in a riot, (and not by accident) chasing down a single person, and it didn't seem like they want to chat about global warming.

Maybe its just me but running towards trouble vs running away from it. One seems more hellbent on trouble than the other.
I havnt read this thread but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...
I grew up in Kenosha, WI where this took place.
We have a dinosaur museum that the riotors tried to burn down, there are many business that got destroyed 30~, Kenosha is a medium sized town 85k people so that's a lot of businesses.

My mom drove past some of these businesses after the fact and took pics of the carnage...

Now I don't condone shooting people and I personally don't like guns (for the average person), but hats off to this kid for trying to save his/my community from people that wanted to see it burn.

If I was younger and was living there at the time I might of been there trying to help stop the destruction also.

I'm not here to judge this kid, that's up for the courts to decide.

Many of the businesses in downtown kenosha are worked at/owned by minorities.
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