So today I read the charge sheet, and the jury's instructions from the judge, I've watched several of the videos of the shootings, the drone video and read some of the evidence, this is what I think of the homicide charges based on what I've seen;
On count one (Rosenbaum, first degree reckless homicide), I think he's guilty.
The reason I think this is because Rosenbaum was unarmed, there's no evidence that he posed a real threat to Rittenhouse's life, Rittenhouse even agreed with the prosecution that he knew Rosenbaum was unarmed. In mitigation it might be argued that he made threats to kill or chased him or whatever, but that in itself doesn't give Rittenhouse the right to lawful self defense and take the actions he did. In order for Rittenhouse to open fire and kill - his life has to be in danger, or he has to reasonably believe that it's in danger, I don't think it was. Instead of firing he could have made a better attempt to deal with it physically and continue to retreat, he didn't have to kill Rosenbaum, which is where the 'reckless homicide' comes into play and also the disregard for human life, which is central to the charge.
On count four (Huber, First degree intentional homicide / Second degree intentional homicide / First Degree reckless homicide), I think he's guilty of First Degree reckless homicide.
I'm not sure he'll be found guilty of the intentional homicide charges, because I don't think that he intended to kill, but I think he is guilty of reckless homicide. For me it boils down to the disregard for human life on the charge sheet and jury instructions. He fired into Huber (who was unarmed) at point blank range, I think the force used was disproportionate and I don't think his life was in danger. I think he would have gotten a beating, but I don't think he'd have been killed (despite what people were saying) the police were also only 100yds away at the end of the street.
The bottom line for me, is that the force used appears to me to be disproportionate. If Rosenbaum or Huber had guns or knives, or he was actually being shot at, then I think Rittenhouse would have a legitimate argument to use lethal force, but that didn't happen. Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag of junk at him, and Huber hit him with a skateboard, Rittenhouse got roughed up but that doesn't justify executing people at point blank range with a rifle.
I'm not going to get dragged into a 10 page argument over any of this, these are just my personal thoughts, I haven't looked at all of the evidence - I'm probably wrong and he'll get aquitted on all charges, I just find the process interesting