Based upon your reflections upon this, I am fleeting between two assumptions here :
1)You are a troll
2)You are deeply unhappy with your life and the current state of things within it internally and externally at general and you want the world to press reset.
Pretty certain with StriderX it's the latter. What's really said, and I wish I could get this through to him/her, is that I've known a number of people with the same doom-laden outlook on life over the course of my own. And every time, what has happened is that the world hasn't ended, we keep on muddling through and the people who are positive and keep trying, end up having made something of their life and found some happiness. And the doom-mongers have just sat around waiting for an end that never comes and then slowly and painfully wake to the realisation they've done nothing because they never tried. It's horrible to see. StriderX - I know you'll read this and it's not too late. What you call "realism" is just fatalism. You don't know what the future contains, none of us can. But we can be certain that acting like there is a future is more rational than acting like there isn't. Think about it for a minute and see the logic in it.