Lab grown meat approved in USA for human consumption.

That's like saying Phillip Schofield isn't gay because he fathered 2 children.


Not it's not.

You attempted to give yourself a "label" which seems to be trendy with all the kids these days, then literally in the same sentence went to fo say you occasionally eat meat, you can't have it both ways lol.

Your are not a vegetarian, get over it.

Not it's not.

You attempted to give yourself a "label" which seems to be trendy with all the kids these days, then literally in the same sentence went to fo say you occasionally eat meat, you can't have it both ways lol.

Your are not a vegetarian, get over it.
yeh sure, i try not to eat meat as i want a "label" as all kids do, i'm 49 btw :D nothing to do with an animals welfare, i just want a label :rolleyes:
Why say you are a vegetarian then?
Because i don't eat meat as a rule, but if i'm honest i very occasionally cheat, like probably many millions of other vegetarians do but they still consider themselves as veggies. You're obviously being mr.pedantic or you're autistically thinking everything is black or white.
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No, absolutely not. If a cow ain't chopped up or "gas chambered" like that veggie chap @Johno please? says, I ain't eating it.

Unless it's really yummy, in which case game on.

Living rent free, bless you for thinking of me though.

sounds like a lot of lost jobs there

Oh no, people won't be able to abuse animals for a living.

Our FSA does not say anything that suggests our product is inferior quality. Yes, hormones are used in a minority share of Australia's beef (40%) because they're safe and effective. Yes, sow stalls are used because they're safe and effective (also necessary to reduce piglet mortality rates).

I'm personally opposed to mulesing and high concentration battery hen farms, I think they're cruel and unnecessary. I also oppose the live meat export trade. But none of this changes the fact that the quality of our meat is not only high, but high enough to meet EU standards.

If the UK wants to import some of our lower quality stuff, that's the UK's choice. After all, dumping EU standards was one of the reasons for Brexit, wasn't it? That's what the British people wanted, so that's what they're getting.

Do you eat pigs and chickens? If so, they live terrible lives, and have horrible deaths, so if youre against one thing thats cruel surely you should start thinking about everything you pay for?

But then I did used to say things like "i only buy free range eggs" not knowing that label is for the consumer, it means very little to the chickens, and means nothing to the baby male chicks ground up alive.
Living rent free, bless you for thinking of me though.

Oh no, people won't be able to abuse animals for a living.
Indeed. People have enough trouble finding jobs. It’s awful if all the jobs in the meat industry go as well. It’s nice to see you supporting the industry for a change.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Of course it's an amazing piece of science, but to me as a pleb, I can't help feel that it's a bit dodgy. I mean I'm sure it's closely monitored etc for pathogens and other issues.... But things like GM crops and hormone filled animals have been shown to have a detrimental effect down the food chain...

Of course being able to eat meat that hasn't killed millions of animals is not a bad thing.... However are there potential negative side effects that we haven't considered?

Would you eat lab grown meat?
similar to our times

I don’t necessarily agree with his reasoning but I do think he’s right with the bottom line.

If you eat meat occasionally then you’re not a vegetarian. It really is that black and white.
I don't agree. If someone is on a diet, say a low carb diet, they then very occasionally have a high carb meal, are they then no longer considered as being on a diet? Of course they are. We all have our own set of principles and rules we live by but we are not perfect and sometimes deviate. If you considered every veggie who has consumed meat within the last 6 or 12 months not to be veggie then that would drastically reduce the number of veggies in the world. I last consumed meat (chicken) at Xmas, so am I a veggie?
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I don't agree. If someone is on a diet, say a low carb diet, they then very occasionally have a high carb meal, are they then no longer considered as being on a diet? Of course they are. We all have our own set of principles and rules we live by but we are not perfect and sometimes deviate. If you considered every veggie who has consumed meat within the last 6 or 12 months not to be veggie then that would drastically reduce the number of veggies in the world. I last consumed meat (chicken) at Xmas, so am I a veggie?

I'm sure you'll tell us.

(simmer down, it's the best dad joke I had to hand)
I'm sure you'll tell us.

(simmer down, it's the best dad joke I had to hand)
yeh of course i will, after all it's all about the label isn't it.

Vegetarianism is more than just a ‘diet’ - you’re not a vegetarian if you occasionally eat meat.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

noun: vegetarianism
the practice of not eating meat or fish, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons.

Sounds like a diet to me.

For arguments sake, i have been vegetarian since Christmas Day, I might not be vegetarian for a day here or there in the future because i'm not perfect as you are when you try to stick to something.
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I'm vegetarian but do cheat sometimes, i love chicken and bacon.
Because i don't eat meat as a rule, but if i'm honest i very occasionally cheat, like probably many millions of other vegetarians do but they still consider themselves as veggies.
If someone is on a diet, say a low carb diet, they then very occasionally have a high carb meal, are they then no longer considered as being on a diet? Of course they are.

I eat meat nigh on every day, but today I had spinach and ricotta cannelloni. By your logic that means I'm a vegetarian? Now, do I need any special training to get my holier-than-thou preach on?
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