Labour party wants to put pictures of yourhouse on the web

kaiowas said:
I'm more concerned about the fact that I'm going to have to pay more tax simply because my landlords investment has gone up in value.

Plus the new tax they are gonna throw at him/her for having a house to let. Thats another new tax labour are trying to bring in. All in all, you can bet your bottom dollar that your rent is going to go up lots.
Pinkeyes said:
Also - if they want to make more money from Council Tax, why don't they just increase the number of bands...

council tax bands

How come they stop at £320,000 and up. Shouldnt people in £3 million houses pay a "little" bit more than people in £320,000 - and leave the rest of us alone...

I paid 38,000 for my house 8 years ago (band A), its now in band E/F. It doesnt seem right somehow.

Bit of a kick in brawls isn't it! I paid 97k for mine 6 years ago and now aparently its worth about 240k. Nice eh!?
well this is certainly a kick in the nads for me.

moved into a new house 8 years ago and spent an unbeliveable amount of time decorating it and sorting out the back garden (from rubble to a nice little astro turf footy area for the kids)

and spent a lot of money too.

on the other hand, my neighbour has just kept his money, and done squat to his house and overgrown garden over the last 8 years.

so basically, I get more money taken off me coz I have made the effort?!?!

what! :mad:
I really dont understand how this works TBH.
You do DIY so you buy the items and are taxed on them in the first place via VAT.
You get someone to do your bathroom or something and you already pay tax on both the work and the kit.

So by chosing a pastel shade or something over plain magnolia it ends up costing me tax? How the **** does that work? Is there some colour scheme that is going to attract more taxation? :confused: Maybe all the workers in this fine country of ours should go live in caravans and give our houses away to the jobless masses so that they can spawn more children to get more money in comfort?

Hopefully while they are doing the photo taking they can spot my lazy arsed neighbours live in bloke (who shouldnt be there) hiding behind their brand new sofas, beds and televisions delivered just the other week that I have worked hard to pay for for them while we struggle to hold down our jobs and raise a daughter by actually paying our way in life :mad:

Whats next? Increase in water rates based on the size and consistency of my turds?
I'm sorry, but this whole idea is impossible.

They'd get taken to court for invasion of privacy for starters. Then the court of human rights. There's no way in hell this idea will become a reality.


ID Cards, and now this! FFS! Next they'll be having security cameras added in every household to ensure criminial activity does not occur.
Presumably the bedrooms and gardens of the multiple residences of the entire Labour cabinet will be photographed as well - we wouldn't want 'Our Glorious Leader' and his cronies to be seen to not be paying his way ... or can we alternatively assume there is some 'one rule for us and another for the plebs' clause in this?

How much more of this gang of liars, cheats and crooks until the electorate of this country realises they are being shafted? Never mind overthrowing dictators in the Middle East, we need to overthrow the dictator on our own doorstep :mad:

Bring back Margaret Thatcher - or someone with her view of the world at least - she might have been an old cow, but she didn't penalise people for bettering themselves and their homes to the extent that this bunch are doing ...
when ive got the money to leave the UK im off i hate it tbh :(

When ure younger u dont really take notice of everything around u but as u get older every day i see more reasons why i shudnt be living here, its a joke. The UK wont be the UK in 10yrs it will be an island for immigrants to move too and every 1 else will be spread across the globe :rolleyes:
Sequoia said:
Your band won't have changed, unless you live in Wales. Your council tax band is determined by the market value of the property at 1st April, 1991, NOT current market value. As Wales was revalued, the relevant date there is 1 April 2003. So, unless you live in Wales, your band can't have changed since you bought the place 8 years ago.

Well my band may not have changed, but the amount I pay most certainly has.
As every day passes I get more and more glad that my future has distinct international prospects.

I wont stay for a minute longer than I have to under this regime.
I would be totally surprised if this scheme ever got through parliment.

This country does seem to walk over you if you try to better yourself. 3 years time the wife will have a degree and I will have my MBA then it's off to the Caribean, better weather, money will go further, i will be more relaxed and away from this country....and YES I am prepared to sacrifice access to things like free education, free health service, etc
Free healthcare--if you don't mind becoming more ill than you were to begin with due to illegal immigrants not cleaning hospital wards properly.

Free education--if you don't mind your kids coming home from school every day after having the **** kicked out of them for the 60th time and generally learning nothing.

The thing is, who else shall we vote for? Look at the underlying views of the main three political parties in the UK... they all want the exact same thing. The only difference is the guy leading the circus and the funky names they decide to call the new laws.

To be left wing is the new right. To be right wing is to be a racist. To like old skool tory ways is to be a weirdo.

You canny win in the UK.
Cueball said:
Free healthcare--if you don't mind becoming more ill than you were to begin with due to illegal immigrants not cleaning hospital wards properly.

Free education--if you don't mind your kids coming home from school every day after having the **** kicked out of them for the 60th time and generally learning nothing.

well i can only go on my own personal experiences and education and health service have been very good

oh and i belive its got nothing to do with immigrants not cleaning properly its about the NHS cutting costs to save money, get out of debt....contract cleaning firms being hired on little money so of course they will provide a poor service

and before anyone says its not free...well free at point of delivery...happy :)
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Okay, I'm officially confused by the proposed re-banding. The principle of the council tax is people with larger houses pay more, but surely the impact of the re-banding should be tax neutral? All that should really change is the distribution of who pays. Otherwise councils will see a MASSIVE increase in revenue, purely due to stupid levels of house price inflation. Or is this being used as an opportunity to increase the overall tax take?
Tommy B said:
I'm sorry, but this whole idea is impossible.

They'd get taken to court for invasion of privacy for starters. Then the court of human rights. There's no way in hell this idea will become a reality.


ID Cards, and now this! FFS! Next they'll be having security cameras added in every household to ensure criminial activity does not occur.
I take it you have read 1984, don't laugh it may come true. :mad:
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