Labour party wants to put pictures of yourhouse on the web

AJUK said:
I agree. To solve the immigration problem (and it is a problem) the first thing we need to do is a 5 year moratorium on ALL immigration/asylum seeking. Then we need to process al the outstanding applications, preferably under a new harsher regime.

After the last case has been cleared we need to get down to the business of tracking down and deporting ALL of the illegal immigrants in the country. Then and only then can we make a determination on how many people we need, want or wish to have. I strongly suspect that after this excercise is complete we will find out that we have way too many people in this country anyway.

I am sorry but we just need to get a lot stricter on our entry requirements. Illegal immigrants should be deported immediately to the counrty they arrived from. Usually that would mean shipping them back to France on the next ferry, forcibly if necessary.

Agreed totally. But the trouble is our current administration are only capable of thinking harshly when it comes to inventing new ways to shaft those that do get off their arses, work for a living and pay their way. If you're from a minority group or have just got off a boat at Dover, they can't do enough for you ...

I've never understood why it seems to be Britain's role to take in the entire world's waifs and strays - and then screw the indigenous population to pay for it.
This does not surpirse me, been self employed I find that I'm getting more regulated and paying more tax. Care homes even have to fund the body set up by the govenrment to inspect care homes. For the 5th year running registration fees have gone up this year they have increased by an inflation busting 15%.

Seriously thinking about selling up, not getting paid enough.
wnb said:
This does not surpirse me, been self employed I find that I'm getting more regulated and paying more tax. Care homes even have to fund the body set up by the govenrment to inspect care homes. For the 5th year running registration fees have gone up this year they have increased by an inflation busting 15%.

Seriously thinking about selling up, not getting paid enough.

I sympathise entirely. I used to employ 5 people but got screwed in tax and spent most of my time dealing with employment issues. Then I used contractors until they closed that avenue so now I just work for myself and just farm out any excess to sub-contractors as seperate projects.

I have just deregistered from VAT because I am fed up of just being a tax collector for them and I am thinking of downsizing even more by ditching the offices and working from home. I have loads of work and a large client base but I refuse to take on all of the work because it isn't worth the effort as the govermnent will just take half of any profit. So I would rather not do it and let some other mug get mugged by them.
Adnams Drinker said:
If you're from a minority group or have just got off a boat at Dover, they can't do enough for you ...

Never heard so much junk in my entire life, I am a minority group and I get nothing. Think you are generalising on that point.
The reason so many want to fly the coup as it were is that this country has now decided to fleece the hardworking, good earner and those who have bothered to make a decent life, in favour of giving it all to those who can’t be bothered, arrive from another country expecting to be given everything and in general not looking after the common man /woman unless they can tax you even more.

It’s always been a money driven, commodity driven greedy island, this I think no one can doubt, but just lately the taxes levied on the decent, hardworking honest resident of the Untied Kingdom are just spiralling out of control.

It’s disgraceful that those who have worked all their lives, paying income taxes, being honest are now expected to dig further, and pay more simply because they have been successful. It doesn’t matter who is in power, anyone who expects this system to be right is living in cloud coco land.

This country is a disgrace anyhow, illegal wars, pathetic asylum seeker controls, high living costs, greedy government officials, raising un-employment, over inflated house prices, high taxation for fuels, no support for the honest worker, poor heath services, stealth taxes, high charges for using public roads the list goes on and on.

This country is loosing it’s identity, is becoming a filthy wasteland, crammed full of asylum seekers who care little for anyone but themselves and what they can get financially form our “stupid” government, greedy councils that expect it all, and give little in return and we are also over crowded, with little effect put into trying to resolve the issues, other then charge you more.

I’m sick of it here, I’m sick of reading increases in living charges, taxes and how stupid our government is. I’m also appalled about how we, as a nation appear to be lap dogs for the US. Our army is not used for our own benefits, but for the US so it would seem, the war on terrorism has resulted in many major cities being cited for attacks, and in all honesty I no longer feel like I have a country anymore. I only live here, as I was sadly born her. Not sure what this makes me, or how to overcome the bitterness I’ve got at the moment.
aumz said:
Never heard so much junk in my entire life, I am a minority group and I get nothing. Think you are generalising on that point.

I think it's just the general feeling, as I feel the same way. I've just said as much on my last posting, and it's infurating. I've seen how this country treat those who REALLY need help. My mum needed so much help a few years back. I ended up helping her, as the government made on effort to help, none at all. And she'd paid her way for 30 years.

It's a disgrace, and this is one of the reasons I'm so bitter.... I don't think we are singling you out, but just making a point.
aumz said:
Never heard so much junk in my entire life, I am a minority group and I get nothing. Think you are generalising on that point.

Join the police then, they can't get enough minority officers. Get fast tracked to senior positions then sue them for promoting you too quickly if it goes bad.
Life sorted.
Bug One said:
I really dont understand what you are all complaining about. I bet most of you lot voted labour at the last election. What did you expect.

I would bet this is not true.

Your average ocuk reader is male and generally a Uni graduate or a student or in full time employment.. They would have to be to afford all the fancy hardware.

Your average labour voter is not the above. I am sure if you held a pole "who did you vote for in the last general election the majority would not be labour."
VIRII said:
Join the police then, they can't get enough minority officers. Get fast tracked to senior positions then sue them for promoting you too quickly if it goes bad.
Life sorted.

:D Join Ian Blair's gang.... Another one of the idiots they voted to run the country's police farce (sorry force..).

He pioneered the era of minority police officers after all. Never understand how he manages to keep his job. Wonder how he’d like his house being snapshot and put on the internet? This is Ian Blairs home - Lets bomb it..!! We know the layout, as it's all over the web.
leaskovski said:
Look on the bright side everyone! We could all live in America! :D :rolleyes:

Erm, news flash, this IS the 51st state we live in.... So techincally we do kinda live in the states.. :rolleyes:

Perhaps this is some of the problem, too much puppet handling by Bush.. Can't keep his hands off anything that guy can't... Wonder if he'd like to take a look into Ian Blair's home, as well as most of the UK? Perhaps a good way for him to recruit some fresh cannon fodder for all his "wars" on terrorism..
I wish all the people that want to leave would just pack and go.

I remember some 'celebs' saying that if Labour got into power they would pack and go. Guess what? They are still here!!

Life is not always greener on the other side.
seaviewuk said:
I wish all the people that want to leave would just pack and go.

I remember some 'celebs' saying that if Labour got into power they would pack and go. Guess what? They are still here!!

Life is not always greener on the other side.

OK, will do.... Perhaps we should say the same to all those that head for the UK for the handouts and "easy" life in the UK?Hey mate, it's not greener over here you know..!! Actually, it's a bit brown at the moment, verging on black.

It's a ***hole.

Oh, for those who do hit the UK and work, and bring good services etc, welcome, and for this who are in REAL need, as they are in danger of their lifes, fine.
Sequoia said:
Not a chance. They're selective about who they let in. :D

Yep, it's a shame in a way that we're not the 51st state. At least we'd have an effective immigration system, law and order, proper jail sentences - the list is endless.
dirtydog said:
Yep, it's a shame in a way that we're not the 51st state. At least we'd have an effective immigration system, law and order, proper jail sentences - the list is endless.

True, Bush controls us, but we get none of their laws, instead we have a micky mouse outfit in the name of B Liar and Brown nose..!! :D

Aah, I can poke fun, but it's not funny really. Immigration is well out of control, open house, open all hours is the UK.
dirtydog said:
Yep, it's a shame in a way that we're not the 51st state. At least we'd have an effective immigration system, law and order, proper jail sentences - the list is endless.
The US is a nation built entirely on immigrants (or will be, at least, once they have completely marginalised the aboriginal people).

I would prefer to keep a stiff upper lip and soldier on the true Brit way.

Drunk, angry and shouting.
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