lads - would you feel cheated on if your missus...

Perhaps my comments were too hasty, but I suspect that a girl who gets felt up by numerous men is probably not the type of person I would want to marry, not really much class there. Compared to a woman who has been brought up well, it is probably no different to a bit of touching and a kiss. That I would find acceptable, but I would not find myself in the position of marrying a woman who behaves like the OP suggests.
Must admit I wouldn't be best pleased if that was my fiancee (not that I have, or had one yet). Doesn't seem the most solid relationship on which to be planning a wedding.

Each to their own though!
Maybe it's just a cultural thing whereby it's accepted that both sides will go out and have a bit of fun (although to our eyes it's unacceptable). Who's to say the groom didn't do anything similar on his stag night? Other posters have mentioned how this used to be status quo and it doesn't have to stop them getting married as long as they both accept things like that happen.

But yeah, ****!
If I were in his shoes, regardless of whether I was going to stay with her (I wouldn't), the wedding would be off. Completely. No doubts about that.
That's dispicable behaviour for a fiancée, if they were just going out it would be forgiveable if wanted, but to be getting married I think she needs to rethink her love life and why she's doing that. My girlfriend's dad kissed another girl at his engagement party and he's split up with his wife within the last year. I don't think it's any sort of behaviour for people getting married.

Edit: Wooo 1000 post mark :)
My stag is next year, and I'm not treating it as an opportunity to have one last fling. I'm specifically using it as an opportunity to do the things my other half hates, these being lots of mountain biking and even more whisky.

She is of the same idea, so she's having a week away on a beach holiday, I can't think of anything worse, but that's compromise for you...

Don't agree with the whole 'one last night of fun' idea - I would feel as cheated on as if she had done it at any other point during the relationship. Perhaps even more so as it's the night before the wedding, one of the most important events in the relationship.
I can't say with total sincerity that I know exactly what I'd do, especially seeing as she would have to be amazing for me to want to pledge the rest of my life to her, but I do know that just thinking about this kind of thing makes me want to throw up.

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