Landis & gyr 5246C Economy7 meter manuals ?

Hi hope you're ok. I followed your guide today, pressed button as directed but without success.
Display without pressing anything is R1, First press turns it to all zeros but no stars in the centre. I pressed again and held, but not a sound and it just brings up the meter readings Rate 1 again. I tried it many times, for 30, 60 seconds and more still not a sound and my off peak power didn't come on. I also tried it after each display, but again nothing. I took a video of myself pressing the buttons and the changing display if that helps ?
Hi not quite sure what's going on as my last post has vanished so ill try again.
I tried pushing the blue 'CYCLE DISPLY' button, nothing no noise and no temp off peak power. Tried it after every button press several times. tried 30 seconds, 60 second press, nothing? Any help please
Really appreciate your help, thank you, I'll have to try that tomorrow when we are there servicing it between guests.
The engineers who put the meters in both said there was no way to test the Off Peak Power without coming back after midnight!!
I assume the unit has a clock in it with a battery. Is there any way to see what time the Off Peak should come on and go off.?
Hi hope you're ok. I followed your guide today, pressed button as directed but without success.
Display without pressing anything is R1, First press turns it to all zeros but no stars in the centre. I pressed again and held, but not a sound and it just brings up the meter readings Rate 1 again. I tried it many times, for 30, 60 seconds and more still not a sound and my off peak power didn't come on. I also tried it after each display, but again nothing. I took a video of myself pressing the buttons and the changing display if that helps ?
Two potential outcomes then,
1 your meter does not have test mode enabled (it's a supplier configurational option)
2 your just not catching it at the right time, (no need to show me the video) it's a back to get it right. So don't stress.

Next task is to badger your supplier to get it looked at, complain of no heating and hot water and they will put it down as an emergency and send some one out same day/next day (usually within 24 hrs) and get it fixed.

It's your only option as we have exhausted everything you can do yourself.
Thanks again, I must have tried every combination of button pressing but yeh the meter doesn't provide Off Peak Power at any time anyway so I've been badgering SO Energy since May this year to sort it. I even raised a complaint with the Ombudsman who has instructed them to change the meter, that was a month ago and I'm still waiting. Hopefully one day soon it will all be sorted.
Thanks again for taking the time to help, it's appreciated.
I have this same meter. It is an absolute nightmare to get it to show off peak. A new meter won't fix anything, it's just a garbage user interface.
Hi hope you're ok. I followed your guide today, pressed button as directed but without success.
Display without pressing anything is R1, First press turns it to all zeros but no stars in the centre. I pressed again and held, but not a sound and it just brings up the meter readings Rate 1 again. I tried it many times, for 30, 60 seconds and more still not a sound and my off peak power didn't come on. I also tried it after each display, but again nothing. I took a video of myself pressing the buttons and the changing display if that helps ?
You don't need to do any of this guessing. Just do what the YouTube video says exactly.
Hi seby
The meter configuration and calibration are two separate things. The clocks on these meters had a habit of drifting over the years though unfortunately. Again you need the meter utility software to correct the RTC (real time clock).
Hi Ivan,
Is there any easy way I can adjust the RTC on my 5246C myself with an optical 1107 FLAG probe/usb? Or would I need meter manufacturer’s access/login details etc?
It has crept about 20 mins over the last few years as is common.
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Hi Ivan,
Is there any easy way I can adjust the RTC on my 5246C myself with an optical 1107 FLAG probe/usb? Or would I need meter manufacturer’s access/login details etc?
It has crept about 20 mins over the last few years as is common.
You'd either need the meter utility software, or know the addresses for the RTC.

The RTC creeping was indeed common on meters where mains locked clock feature was not enabled / available.
I know I will need to change my Landis+Gry 5246C at some point, but I found its spec that says it has a 20 year certified life and mine was certified 04 2016.
I understand it doesn’t use the BBC4 Longwave switch signal, however, after a power cut the time is always reset +- a few minutes to GMT, which the Economy 10 switch times use even in the summer. I’m fortunate that my supplier offers me a decent rate for 10 hours (same as their Eco 7 low rate) spilt during the day which is great for storage heaters, Infrared panels and using power hungry appliances. They have also told me when the meter needs replacing it has to be smart and only Eco 7 or a smart rate.

My question is, if it just has its own RTC then what is resetting the time after a power cut?
… I thought it had an MSF receiver,, used for clocks, watches, commercial and military kit to keep accurate time, which is not being turned off.
This is cheap enough to be used and when the meter was fitted I was told its clock is always a few minutes out to prevent power surges, like kettles during major TV football halftime. While I found the specification online there’s no mention of what clock is used - does anyone know?
Very interesting - at least you've answered my question about the BBC switch off. My ex supplier (So Energy) lied.
Thank you.
I know I will need to change my Landis+Gry 5246C at some point, but I found its spec that says it has a 20 year certified life and mine was certified 04 2016.
I understand it doesn’t use the BBC4 Longwave switch signal, however, after a power cut the time is always reset +- a few minutes to GMT, which the Economy 10 switch times use even in the summer. I’m fortunate that my supplier offers me a decent rate for 10 hours (same as their Eco 7 low rate) spilt during the day which is great for storage heaters, Infrared panels and using power hungry appliances. They have also told me when the meter needs replacing it has to be smart and only Eco 7 or a smart rate.

My question is, if it just has its own RTC then what is resetting the time after a power cut?
… I thought it had an MSF receiver,, used for clocks, watches, commercial and military kit to keep accurate time, which is not being turned off.
This is cheap enough to be used and when the meter was fitted I was told its clock is always a few minutes out to prevent power surges, like kettles during major TV football halftime. While I found the specification online there’s no mention of what clock is used - does anyone know?
As an update I found that the UK ‘metering folk’ periodically test an example of each non-smart old type meter model ‘in the field’ and either keep to its certified date, or lengthen or shorten it depending on the tests - they the update the suppliers. According to my supplier, Octopus, when I mentioned mine was certified to 2026 they came back with its on their system as 2031! Obviously, as long as it still works. They did say that folk with electric heating, including storage heaters, can go on their rate for heat pumps which has 9 hours of cheaper rate. When they looked into it further they found it was the same rate as I get 10 hours cheaper. At least I know if I need to change to a smart meter I can almost get what I do now. They really do seem to be honest and fair, unlike my previous two suppliers years ago…
As an update I found that the UK ‘metering folk’ periodically test an example of each non-smart old type meter model ‘in the field’ and either keep to its certified date, or lengthen or shorten it depending on the tests - they the update the suppliers. According to my supplier, Octopus, when I mentioned mine was certified to 2026 they came back with its on their system as 2031! Obviously, as long as it still works. They did say that folk with electric heating, including storage heaters, can go on their rate for heat pumps which has 9 hours of cheaper rate. When they looked into it further they found it was the same rate as I get 10 hours cheaper. At least I know if I need to change to a smart meter I can almost get what I do now. They really do seem to be honest and fair, unlike my previous two suppliers years ago…
All meters installed since 2006 are digital and fall into a band of metering called MID (specifically for residential and small business NOT 3 Phase or CT metering), these can be "in service tested" by the manufacturer and recertified without changing the meter and without testing the meter in your property.

Basically the manufacturer will have tabs on a selection of meters they will attend to and test regularly during its life time. As long as testing falls into the parameters of its design then the certification can be extended.

You are one of the lucky ones ;)
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