Laser eye treatment - who's done it?

Two girls came out before me and they were fine - it was at this point, I knew I had to grow a pair and man up. Therefore you must do the same puppetmaster :D
8 days since I had lasek, my left eye is definitely clearer than my right. I've got to wait until Wednesday for my contacts to be removed so hopefully the other eye will have caught up by then. I'm thinking it could be dead tissue causing the blur in my right eye, so perhaps losing the contact lenses would help.
I would be interested in some money off vouchers if anyone has any spare, planning on booking in in next month or so.


Just got a random txt about Laser Eye surgery.

It reads....
"OPTICAL EXPRESS: Win FREE laser eye sugery in June! Reply with EYES at the standard cost of a text. Compitiotion entry is FREE. To opt out reply STOP."

The number it's from is +447537400712

so i guess anyone of you could just send the word "EYES" to that number to get enterd into the draw it's worth a try if your looking into having it done anyway?
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