Lawnmower accident

As I missed it back in 2007: My thoughts are with your brother's daughter, him and all the family.

Hope she and all are making a good recovery!
This is terrible news, so glad she is still alive. The whole family will be in shock, as I was in reading the story. So sorry to read about this, best wishes for everyone.

Hmm... I too just looked at the date and time this was posted.. Thought it was recent, not back in 2007. ?? Wonder how she is getting on, this must have been tough on the whole family, stress must have been unbearable at times.
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I hope all is well. I rememer being very shocked reading the OP, and thinking it was a wind up. So tragic, but as everyone knows - could've been an awful lot worse.

I hope she's doing well now and has adjusted to her circumstances better than could've been anticipated by anybody. :)

Hopefully we'll get an update from the OP, even though he's not a regular any more.
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