fantastic dude! she looks to be coping so well - if that were me, I doubt you'd see a smile on my face. I'm really glad she appears to be doing so well
wow thats great news, where does she get her strength from !, people like this are a real inspiration, it's obviously due to her positivity that she has recovered so fast, good stuff.
She is beautiful as well, it is good to see such a fast recovery. Your brother will find the opportunity to fully forgive himself eventually, and life will go on as normal.
ohh, he thread is back, anyway thats great news shes up and about i didn't know what 2 believe when i first read this and all other bs comments, but none of that matters, glad shes recovering
Good lord, thats horrific, im glad that shes ok, and that things are looking brighter, no doubt things will be hard, but you seem a well knitted family and can take it in your stride...Good Luck to you all, and a speedy recovery to her
She seems like a very brave little girl, glad things are looking up. A quick glance at that vid and you have to wonder why it’s been posted (just looks like someone on an exercise bike), amazing what kids can deal with.
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